- The research yielded a rich harvest. 该项研究有了丰硕的成果。
- This year we gathered a rich harvest of grain. 今年我们的粮食丰收了。
- The villagers were crazy about their rich harvest. 村民们狂热地欢庆他们的大丰收。
- A scene of rich harvest spread out before us. 丰收景象在我们面前展现出来。
- If you study hard and pass all your exams you will reap a rich harvest later in life. 如果你努力学习并且通过所有的考试,你会在今后的生活中大有好处。
- In that year of plenty,the seas yielded up a rich harvest of fish. 在那个丰收的年头,大海鱼产十分丰富。
- Taken all in all, these four volumes constitute a rich harvest. 总的说来,这四部著作硕果累累。
- In that year of plenty, the seas yielded up a rich harvest of fish. 在那个丰收的年头,大海鱼产十分丰富。
- The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership. 资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利。
- A rich harvest is in prospect. 丰收在望。
- When they do so, they usually transform one kind of quark into another, yielding a rich harvest of new types of particles. 当它们这样做时,经常会使一种夸克变为另一种夸克同时产生大量的新型粒子。
- If you study hard and pass all your exams you will reapa rich harvest later in life. 如果你努力学习并且通过所有的考试,你会在今后的生活中大有好处。
- We have had favorable weather this year and have gotten in another rich harvest. 今年风调雨顺,我们又丰收了。
- "Now, George," said his father, "look, my son, see all this rich harvest of fruit! “现在,乔治,”他父亲说到:“看看吧,我的儿子,看看我们收获的这些水果!
- They have reaped rich harvests for many years running. 他们连年丰收。
- My child's innocence melts into my grandparent's favouritism to you. In the sound of gongs and drums for celebrating rich harvest, you radiate ex-traordinary splendour of youth. 我的童真,融入爷爷奶奶对你的偏爱。在欢庆丰收的锣鼓声中,你绽放青春的异彩。
- Second: "achievement" I" ll summarize the rich harvest in works production, stylization and form development in this half a century. 第二,“成果”:总结了五十年创作发展在作品积累、在风格化、在形式上所呈现出的丰厚的收获。
- The capitalists are reaping rich harvests from their monopolistic. 资本家正从垄断所有权中大肆收获财富。
- Looking back without regret,he cherished the rich harvest of the moment,and his face set firmly towards spring and the new opportunities that any change can bring. 他回首往事了无遗憾,他珍惜眼前丰硕的成果,他坚定地展望春天和任何变化会带来的新的机遇。
- Looking back without regret, he cherished the rich harvest of the moment, and his face set firmly towards spring and the new opportunities that any change can bring. 他回首往事了无遗憾,他珍惜眼前丰硕的成果,他坚定地展望春天和任何变化会带来的新的机遇。