- Under this tax category are six specific items such as grain spirit, potato spirit, yellow rice and millet wine, beer, other wines and alcohol. 本税目下设粮食白酒、薯类白酒、黄酒、啤酒、其他酒、酒精六个子目。
- Add a pinch of saffron to rice and mix well. Serve hot. 撒下红花粉,与饭同拌匀(图11),趁热上盘供食。
- The maize and millet were just putting forth ears. 玉米栗子刚刚抽穗。
- In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle. 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜。
- Living on rice and fish; lives on a small inheritance. 靠米和鱼生存; 依靠一小笔遗产生活
- Instead use oats, brown rice and rye bread. 试著改食用燕麦、糙米及稞麦面包。
- The people cultivate mainly rice and beans. 这里的人们主要种植稻子和豆类。
- I ate some rice and meat with potatoes. 我吃了点儿米饭和土豆烧肉。
- Agricultural production millet, beans, and millet production Mi, sunflower. 农业主产谷子、豆类,兼产糜黍、葵花籽。
- For Japanese and Korean, rice and meat were served. 对于日本人或朝鲜人,是供应大米饭和肉的。
- We existed on a diet of rice and very little else. 我们的饮食只有米饭,其他东西很少。
- I tasted something nasty in the rice and I spat. 我在米饭里吃出了怪味,就把饭吐了出来。
- Farmers here grow rice and vegetables. 这里的农夫都种植水稻和蔬菜。
- His parents grow rice and wheat. 他父母种稻子和小麦。
- First, Venus took some tiny seeds of wheat, poppy, and millet, mixed them, and dropped them in a single pile.She gave Psyche until nightfall to separate the seeds. 首先,维纳斯手里握著小麦、罂粟还有小米的种子并且把它们丢进一个土堆中,她要赛琪在晚上把这些种子分类。
- Today, we have rice and vegetables. 今天的午餐我们吃米饭和一些蔬菜。
- Serve hot with rice and toasted manioc meal. 服务热饭干杯木薯饭。
- Their diet chiefly consists of rice and vegetables. 他们日常的主要食物是大米和蔬菜。
- Winter-sown crops, like barley and millet, quickly ripen in the strong sun. 冬播的作物如大麦和稷,在强烈的日照下很快成熟。
- I shall have a bowl of rice and two steamed rolls. 我要一碗米饭,两个花卷。