- ribonucleic acid injection 核糖核酸注射液
- It is virus of ribonucleic acid of a kind of to oxigenate. 它是一种脱氧核糖核酸病毒。
- Gene is genetic main unit, it is by deoxidization ribonucleic acid is formed. 基因是遗传的基本单位,它是由脱氧核糖核酸构成。
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus. 人类免疫系统缺陷病毒(HIV)是一种核糖核酸(RNA)病毒。
- The nucleolus is dark, however, and the cvtoplasm is filled with clumps of darkly stained, basophilic material, implying a content of ribonucleic acid. 核仁深染,胞浆充满深染的嗜碱性颗粒,提示含有核糖核酸。
- In addition to RNA (ribonucleic acid) and phage, DNA is the genetic material of all living organisms basis. 除了RNA(核糖核酸)和噬菌体外,DNA是所有生物的遗传物质基础。
- In situ hybridization for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) encoded small ribonucleic acid was negative. 细胞接受器没有基因重组现象,EBV核糖核酸的检查也是阴性;
- Enteroviruses are small viruses that are made of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein. 肠病毒是由RNA和蛋白质组成的小病毒。
- Nucleic acid - Two different kinds of genetic material exist: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). 所有的细胞都被磷脂双分子层所包围。
- Objective To study the security of Aminomethylbenzoic acid Injection. 目的评价氨甲苯酸注射液的安全性。
- Ribonucleic acid, which carries instructions from DNA in the nucleus to cell polyribosomes, where proteins are, made according to the RNA instructions. 核糖核酸,它能携带从DNA发出的指令到细胞核糖体,在那里,蛋白质在rna作用下被合成。
- The presence of ribosomes on the RER, with all their ribonucleic acid content, render them basophilic to stains. 2=secretory granule. 粗面内质网上的核糖体因为含有酸性成份而趋向于嗜碱性。
- Some authorities have hypothesized that synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) or related substances is involved in memory. 与此同时,对记忆的生理和生物化学的研究有很大进展。
- The research of ribonucleic acid structures and functions and its applications has always been one of the significant field of biology . 核糖核酸的结构与功能及应用的研究一直是生物科学的重点领域之一。
- According to orthogonal experiments,thick salt method and thin alkali method for extraction of ribonucleic acid from waste yeast were compared. 通过正交实验对浓盐法和稀碱法提取啤酒废酵母核糖核酸进行了比较。
- Gene group is to point to include in biology DNA, namely the complete hereditary information in deoxidization ribonucleic acid. 基因组是指包含在生物DNA,即脱氧核糖核酸中的全部遗传信息。
- The product is a health food which used ribonucleic acid and vitaminC as raw material. It has the function of regulate the immunity after the test. 本品是以核糖核酸、维生素C为主要原料制成的保健食品,经功能实验证明,具有调节免疫的保健功能。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical value of carcinoembryonic antigen messenger ribonucleic acid (CEA mRNA) detection in the diagnosis of lung carcinoma. 目的 探讨检测癌胚抗原信使核糖核酸 (CEA mRNA)在肺癌诊断与鉴别诊断中的应用价值。
- Objective: To determine N-acetyl-L-cysteine in compound amino acid injection by spectrophotometry. 目的:采用分光光度法测定富含支链复方氨基酸注射液中N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸的含量。
- With RNA (ribonucleic acid) interference mechanism, scientists have found a new type of anti-AIDS drugs may contribute to the large number of R &D target gene. 借助RNA(核糖核酸)干扰机制,科学家最近找到了可能有助于新型抗艾滋病药物研发的大量目标基因。