- rheumatic granulomas 风湿性肉芽肿
- rheumatic granuloma 风湿性肉芽瘤
- She had been up the whole night with rheumatic aches. 她因风湿痛整夜未眠。
- In sarcoidosis there are noncaseating granulomas. 肉样瘤病有肉芽肿。
- Will Musk Rheumatic Oil do? It works wonder. 风湿油行吗?它效果很好。
- Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion. 肉芽肿是较局限化的。
- Here are two pulmonary granulomas. 图示:两个肺部肉芽肿。
- Rheumatic fever can affect the heart. 风湿热能感染心脏。
- Seen here in a hilar lymph node is a granuloma. 图示:肺门淋巴结处可见肉芽肿。
- She has been up the whole night with rheumatic ache. 她因风湿痛整夜未眠。
- Becomes damaged by rheumatic fever or bacterial endocarditis. 由于风湿热或细菌性心内膜炎造成损害。
- Ground-glass opacity may be seen, due to numerous small granulomas. 在大量的小结节区有时可见毛玻璃样阴影。
- Intern Did you ever have rheumatic or scarlet fever as a child? 实习医师你小时候得过风湿热或猩红热吗?
- Tendency towards rheumatic distress most notably in colder weather. 最特别地在较寒冷的天气方面的对于风湿症的苦恼趋向。
- This is chronic rheumatic valvulitis involving the mitral valve. 图示:慢性风湿性心瓣膜病(二尖瓣狭窄)。
- These are epithelioid cells around the center of a granuloma. 上皮样细胞围绕在肉芽肿中央周围。
- Intern: Did you ever have rheumatic or scarlet fever as a child? 实习医师:你小时候得过风湿热或猩红热吗?
- This is a caseating granuloma of tuberculosis in the adrenal gland. 肺结核病时肾上腺的干酪样肉芽肿性炎。
- A case of skin granuloma caused by Fusarium sp. is reported. 报告1例镰刀菌皮肤肉芽肿。患者男,21岁。
- The edge of a granuloma is shown here at high magnification. 在高倍镜下观察肉芽肿的边缘区域。