- rhetorical idiom 修辞性习语
- She reads with a sharp eye for idiom. 她阅读时以敏锐的目光审视语言的习惯用法。
- To my knowledge, there is no such idiom in English. 据我所知,英文里并没有这样的成语。
- A Greek or Latin expression or idiom. 希腊语或拉丁语的表达法或语言风格
- Resembling or having the nature of an idiom. 成语的类似成语的或具有成语性质的
- An idiom or custom peculiar to the Greeks. 希腊主义属于希腊人所独有的语言或风俗
- It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom. 要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。
- He spoke in the idiom of the New England countryside. 他讲新英格兰乡下的方言。
- The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee. 宏伟计划达到口头上的高潮。
- An archaic word, phrase, idiom, or other expression. 古词,古语古词、古短语、古习语或其它表达(形式)
- Restraint or lack of emphasis in expression, as for rhetorical effect. 轻描淡写的陈述在表达上受限制或缺乏强调,如为了修辞作用
- To utter or recite with rhetorical effect. 慷慨激昂地演说或朗诵
- Tear off the rhetorical top-dressing form his speech and you find there's very little solid content. 他的演讲,剥去堆砌的华丽的词藻,实实在在的内容很少。
- This expression is against idiom. 这一表达方式不合乎语言习惯。
- Pretentiously rhetorical;bombastic. 夸夸其谈的词藻华丽矫饰的;夸大的
- It is closely related to the rhetorical context. 它的生发与语言修辞赖以生存的语境紧密相连。
- It was an idiom he'd caught from Carol Goldsmith. 这是他从卡洛尔·戈德史密斯那儿学来的一句口头禅。
- Rhetorical functions of numerals in Chinese. 数词修辞作用研究。
- He emerges as the master of an idiom. 他以独具一格的大师的姿态立于文坛。
- It was just a rhetorical question. 只是个反问 不需要回答的。