- Reviewing the evolution of relief presentations is helpful for us to feel the history of cartography and foresee its future. 回顾地貌表示方法的演进,有助于把握地图学发展的历史脉搏,加深对地图学未来发展的认识。
- Each day both problems should be evaluated at the bedside reviewing the history, physical findings and recent lab data. 每天在床边应通过回顾病史、体检和最近的实验室检查资料来评估这两个问题。
- Reviewing the history, the humanities and the science have been experienced from the syncretism to breakaway and then come back to syncretism. 追溯历史,人文教育与科学教育是在矛盾冲突与融合的过程中互动发展的,经历了融合、分离、再融合的辩证发展过程。
- At first, after reviewing the history of the curves and surfaces in CAGD, the author briefly introduces the main content. 在前两章中首先回顾了CAGD中曲线曲面的发展历史,并简要介绍本文的主要内容。
- When reviewing the history of the formation and transformation of the episiotomy discourse, it is clear that the medical paradigm of childbirth continues to be medically centered. 在会阴切开术医学论述的形成与转变的历史中,我们很清楚地看到现行医疗典范对于自然产的思考,是建立在医疗导向的逻辑之下。
- By reviewing the history and analyzing the current state of international sports supplies expositions in China and Germany, the authors found out their identities and differences. 摘要通过对中德两国各自的国际体育用品博览会的历史回顾与现状分析,找出其异同点。
- After reviewing the history, we speculated that the mechanism of nerve injury in this case was a direct compression of the tongue tip by the oropharyngeal airway. 依理学检查及病史,致病机转可能肇因于人工口咽气道直接压迫舌尖,进而造成右舌神经末端分支损伤。
- Let's begin by reviewing the last lesson. 我们开始,先温习上一课。
- After that based on reviewing the history of the leather industry, the principal developmental tendencies of the leather industry in the 21st century were analysed. 在回顾皮革工业发展史的基础上,初步分析了21世纪皮革工业的主要发展趋势。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The government is reviewing the situation. 政府正在重新检讨形势。
- It will be helpful to review the history and investigate state of the art of QA. 回顾问答系统研究的历史,总结问答技术的研究现状,将有助于这方面工作向前发展。
- Objective To review the history and current sta tus of total wrist arthroplasty. 目的熟悉和了解全腕关节置换术的历史及现状。
- The history of this area is very well documented. 这个地区的历史档案保存得很好。
- Epilogue: Briefly review the destiny of the maniac images in the history of Chinese modern literature. 余论:简要回顾癫狂意象在中国现代文学史中的境遇。
- We had to write three essays in the history exam. 我们考历史要写三篇短文。
- Review the history of the party, perforative one root red line is with when all is entered. 回顾党的历史 ,贯穿的一根红线就是与时俱进。
- Wiener reviewed the history of machine automata segueing into human anatomy. 维纳回顾了自动控制机器进入人体解剖学的演变历史。
- She scored well on the history test. 她在历史测验中得了高分。