- reverse segmentation method 逆向分词方法
- The practical results show that the segmentation method is good. 实践表明该方法的分割效果是良好的。
- A Pilot Study on the Segmentation Method for Tree Image. 树木图象分割的方法初探。
- This paper introduces the segmentation method of omnirange string. 一、概述工程图纸扫描图象的输入、识别和理解,是目前学术界与企业界关注的一个问题,而计算机能否读懂一个图纸,其中有三个关键技术问题需要解决:一是图纸的矢量化;
- It adapts to both color and gray image, and is a kind of texture-based image segmentation method. 该方法是一种基于纹理分析的图像分割算法,适合于彩色及灰度图像。
- This paper proposes an novel image segmentation method based on local homogeneity and spatial adjacent information. 摘要提出了一种基于局部同态性和空间邻接关系的彩色图像分割方法。
- An automatic and dictionary-free Chinese word segmentation method based on suffix array algorithm is proposed. 摘要提出一种基于后缀数组的无词典分词算法。
- We propose a contour map segmentation method for laser scanning confocal microscopic (LSCM) biomedical images. 我们提出了等高地图分割法用于激光共焦显微生物医学图像分割。
- On the basis of HSL color model, a defect segmentation method based on fuzzy color clustering is proposed. 在 HSL颜色模型的基础上 ,提出了基于模糊颜色聚类的缺陷分割方法。
- Segmentation of left ventricle images shows the higher accuracy and robustness of the proposed multi-resolution segmentation method than the conventional ones. 对左心室图像的分割实验证明了多分辨模型和常规方法相比具有更好的精确性和鲁棒性。
- An amended alpha filter and an image segmentation method based on the histogram trough of the insulator image are adopted to preprocess the insulator infrared image. 采用修正后的阿尔法滤波器和基于波谷的图像分割方法对绝缘子红外图像进行预处理。
- This paper proposes a multistate document segmentation method based on wavelet transform and the hidden Markov tree (HMT) model. 该文基于小波域多状态隐马尔科夫树(HMT)模型,引入一种新的文本分割方法。
- For improving the capability of auto-segmenting the Virtual Human (VH) slice data, a SVM-based segmentation method is proposed. 摘要为了提高虚拟人切片数据分割的自动化程度,提出了基于支持向量机的虚拟人切片数据分割方法。
- Geodesic active contour is a useful image segmentation method,but it may fail to segment the objects disturbed by complex noises. 几何主动轮廓线模型是一种有效的图像分割方法。但对于被噪声严重干扰的目标依然很难准确分割。
- Experimental results on the CASIA iris database images show that the proposed segmentation method can decrease the Equal Error Rate of the recognition system from 8% to 4.4%. 在CASIA图像库上的实验结果表明该方法可将系统识别等错误率从8%25降低到4.;4%25
- In the aspect of preprocessing, an easy segmentation method is implemented through the analysis of fingerprint images from OV1720 CMOS and the histogram of the images. 在预处理方面,通过对OV1720 CMOS 采集得到的指纹图像的分析,结合图像直方图信息,实现了一种指纹图像的简单分割方法;
- Our army suffered a slight reverse. 我们的部队受到轻微的挫败。
- In this paper a novel segmentation method is proposed, in which a self tuner in the feedback branch is used for the optimization of the texture parameters. 摘要提出了基于参数自校正纹理分析的牌照定位方法,提高了车牌定位的精度。
- After that, bring forward a three-dimension customer segmentation method based on customer current value (CCV), customer potential value (CPV) and customer stability (CS). 然后提出了基于客户当前价值(CCV)、客户潜在价值(CPV)与客户稳定性(CS)的科学合理的三维客户细分方法。