- reverse an unjust verdict 平反冤狱
- If is catered to blindly " corrupt of enemy corrupt enemy " indignant mood, pleased favour enemy, deviated from not only the main demand of law society, make an unjust verdict possibly still. 倘若一味迎合“仇贪仇腐”的激愤情绪,快意恩仇,不仅背离了法治社会的基本要求,还可能制造出冤假错案。
- An unjust war is foredoomed to failure. 非正义战争注定要失败。
- None want to die in an unjust war. 谁也不愿为非正义战争卖命。
- An unjust cause finds little support. 失道寡助。
- Cancel or reverse an action or its effect. 取消或倒转一个活动或它的效果。
- A just war is better than an unjust peace. 正义的战争胜过不公平的和平。
- An unjust cause finds scant support. 失道寡助。
- An unjust cause finds meagre [little] support. 失道寡助。
- Working in an unjust environment. 不公平的工作环境。
- An unjust peace is better than a war for justice. 不公正的和平比一场寻求公正的战争好得多。
- Camacho stated that “It was an unjust penalty. 卡马乔说:“那是一个不公正的判罚。
- All the rigid rule of his forebears, all the domination of an unjust social order, grip him. 父辈的严峻的法规,不公平的社会制度,把他牢牢地控制住了。
- The oppressed are doomed to fight against an unjust government. 被压迫的人民注定要反抗不公正的政府。
- Many Peruvians continue to back the former president for his efforts to crush the rebels and reverse an economic crisis. 许多秘鲁人继续支持这位前总统对反政府分子的镇压,以及他扭转一场经济危机的努力。
- A just cause enjoys abundant support, while an unjust one finds little support. 得道者多助,失道者寡助。
- The only way the tax payer can hit back at an unjust government is to vote against them at the next election. 纳税人回击不公正政府的惟一方法是在下次选举中对他们投反对票。
- A just cause enjoys abundant support; an unjust cause finds meager support. 正当的理由会赢得众多支持,不正当的则会失去大家的支持。
- I would agree with Saint Augustine that "An unjust law is no law at all. 我赞成圣奥古斯丁的话:“一个不公正的法律就根本不是法律。”
- a manifestly unjust verdict; not true to the evidence. 明显不公正的裁定;与事实不符。