- revenue income distribution 收入分配
- For twenty-five years, IIT plays an important role in collecting government revenue and adjusting income distribution. 二十五年来,个人所得税较好地发挥了为国家财政聚财和调节收入分配的作用。
- Is income distribution an issue? 收入分配重要吗?
- What's the Next Step for China's Income Distribution Policy? 中国收入分配向何处去?
- If press 20% tax rate computative, academic admiral produces the revenue income of 2 billion yuan of above. 若按20%25税率推算,理论上将产生20亿元以上的税收收入。
- Originated from the western countries, the income tax holds an important position in China's tax system and plays an essential role in revenue, income distribution regulation and resources allocation. 源于西方国家的所得税在我国税制结构中占有重要地位,在筹集财政收入、调节收入分配和配置资源等方面发挥了重要作用。
- Levels of mass poverty are indicated by the income distribution in the country. 民众贫困的水平是通过该国的收入分配来表示的。
- Grow about revenue income and economy, have a kind of very popular point of view at present, think revenue should grow with economic synchronism or general synchronism. 关于税收收入与经济增长,目前有一种十分流行的观点,认为税收应该与经济同步或大体同步增长。
- Things have yet to be straightened out in the matter of income distribution. 收入分配关系尚未理顺。
- We should deepen reform of the system for income distribution and progressively rationalize it. 深化收入分配制度改革,逐步理顺分配关系。
- For bus services, revenue income from supported services plus levy on the participant authorities of Greater Manchester PTA. For rail, there is a Special Rail Grant allocation from central government. 对于公交服务;收入来自提供的服务加上大曼彻斯特PTA参与机构的税收.;对于火车;有中央政府的特殊的火车授予
- The more likely explanation can be found in the enormous imbalance in world income distribution. 世界收入分配的巨大的不平衡状况似乎是更为可信的解释。
- For bus services, revenue income from supported services plus levy on the participant authorities of Merseyside PTA. For rail, there is a Special Rail Grant allocation from central government. 对于公交服务;收入来自提供的服务加上默西塞德PTA参与机构的税收.;对于火车;有中央政府的特殊的火车授予
- A glance at the income distribution in the U.S. shows how pointed is the income pyramid, how broad its base. 对美国的收入分配稍加观察便可以看出收入的金字塔具有多么尖的顶和多么宽的底。
- Rationalizing the relations of income distribution bears on the immediate interests of the general public and the display of their initiative. 理顺分配关系,事关广大群众的切身利益和积极性的发挥。
- In the poor countries the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. 穷国关注的主要问题是增长与收入分配的关系。
- Definition: Revenue income is receipts from the sale of goods and services, plus other revenues from the operation of the business. 定义:营业收入指企业从销售货物和提供服务所获得的收入,当中包括其他收入如佣金。
- Efforts should be made to deepen the reform of income distribution system and standardize social distribution order. 深化收入分配制度改革,规范社会分配秩序。
- Proprietorship Theory correctly solve the final ascription problem of income distribution. 所有权理论则正确地解决了收入分配的最终归属问题;
- Electricity prices to rise, in order to rationalize the unreasonable prices and income distribution relations. 电煤价格上涨,是为了理顺不合理的价格关系和收入分配关系。