- A number of industry revenue growth. 多个行业收入持续增长。
- Recent revenue growth has been zippy as expected. 近期收入正如预期中的一样快速增长。
- Low revenue productivity and minimal revenue growth. 低税收水平,和很小的增长。
- Revenue growth, sustainable development of tourism and trade. 财政收入大幅增长,商贸旅游业持续发展。
- And coasters are not where the best chance of revenue growth lies. 而云霄飞车并不是主题乐园收益增长的最佳突破口。
- Revenue growth was mainly driven by robust performance in the European market and casual footwear lines. 收入增长主要由于欧洲市场及休闲鞋的表现强劲。
- Nike posts a 51% rise in quarterly profit, boosted by strong revenue growth and a one-time tax benefit. 耐吉每季地缔造51%25方面的提高利润,被强烈收入发展和一个以前的税收利益提升。
- Take appropriate action to mitigate our credit risks while supporting revenue growth. 采取相应行动以降低我们的信贷风险为销售增长提供支持。
- Unfortunately, in order to maintain revenue growth, some local governments are overtly or covertly, to help developers. 遗憾的是,为了保住财政收入的增长,一些地方政府仍在明里暗里帮助开发商。
- While Mulcahy has brought Xerox back from the brink, lately its revenue growth has stalled. 虽然玛尔卡茜将施乐带离了危机边缘,但近来其收益增长有所停滞。
- Recent revenue growth has been zippy, in line with the company's target of two to three times global GDP growth. 近期收入的增长很快,达到了通用电器原定的的增长为全球GDP的增长2至3倍的目标。
- There's 7-8 million tons of production capacity superplasticizer, which is expected to be revenue growth of 10%. 公司有7-8万吨高效减水剂产能,预计该业务收入将会有10%25的增长。
- So if revenue growth diminishes or reverses, it might not be easy to slow spending growth proportionately. 所以如果收增幅下降或是收入减少,支出增幅也容易相应地下降。
- Ridding said.“So we took control of the pricing,” he said, adding that the change led to “robust revenue growth. “所以我们把握着定价权”,他强调,这一改变将带来“收入的强劲增长”。
- Donnelley is expected to be the fourth quarter and fiscal year revenue growth in the number of units will be done. Donnelley预计第四财季营收将实现单位数增长。
- To plan and monitor the overall sales performance of CCCIL, especially on the revenue growth management, the route to market and channel management. 参与公司的销售表现的计划和监控,其中包括收入增长管理,市场路线和渠道发展。
- In the average company, there is plenty of room for technology to improve the sales and marketing engine that propels revenue growth. 一般的企业通常都会有足够的空间,可以应用科技去强化推动营收成长的销售和营销引擎。”
- With Belden's expanding global reach and this strong portfolio, we expect to accelerate our revenue growth in the industrial market. 通过百通在全球的扩张以及本次大投资,我们期望可以加快我们在工业市场的营收增长率。
- While the synchronism of the tax revenue growth and economic growth tends rational, the inter-region economic development begins to expand unceasingly. 摘要在税收增长与经济增长的同步性趋于理性的同时,区域之间的经济发展水平却呈现出不断扩大的趋势。
- Cultivates an atmosphere in which revenue growth is accelerated via novel approaches to customers, products and markets. 培养对顾客、产品和市场新颖方式起到加速作用的氛围。