- The accumulated balances of the General Revenue Account and Funds. 指政府一般收入帐目和各个基金的累积结馀。
- Revenue accounts have credit balances. 收入账户有贷方余额。
- Hon SIN Chung-kai raised a question on transfer of funds to the general revenue account. 单仲偕议员就向政府一般收入帐目转拨的款项提出一项质询。
- Closing a revenue account, therefore, means transferring its credit balance to the income summary account. 因此,结清收入账户就是将其贷方余额转入收益汇总账户。
- A contra revenue account for reduction in the selling price of goods or products sold. 凡出售商品或产品,因给予顾客折扣、让价而未能获得之销货价款皆属之。
- You can close the Sales Revenue account by transferring its balance to the Income Summary account. 您可以把销售收入帐户的余额转入收益汇总帐户,结清销售收入帐户。
- In 1976,the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account (apart from the working balances) to the fund. 由一九七六年起,政府把一般收入账目中的财政储备(营运资金除外)转拨外汇基金。
- All expenditure from General Revenue Account charged to any of the subheads listed in the Estimates under the Operating Account. 指所有由政府一般收入帐目支付并记入开支预算内经营帐项下任何一个分目的开支。
- In 1976, the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account (apart from the working balances) to the fund. 由一九七六年起,政府把一般收入账目中的财政储备(营运资金除外)转拨外汇基金。
- Qiang Wei heard of the village when herdsmen this year to increase the per capita income of several hundred dollars, are pleased to count please Jie Zhaxi a revenue account. 当强卫听到该村牧民今年人均能增加几百元的收入时,高兴地请多杰扎西算一笔收入账。
- Close the various revenue accounts by transferring their balances into the income summary account. 通过将各收入账户的余额转入收益汇总账户来结清收入账户。
- This transfer is accomplished by a journal entry debiting the revenue account in an amount equal to its credit balance, with a journal entry crediting the income summary account at the same time. 这项转移是通过以贷方余额同等的金额借记收入账户,同时贷记收益汇总账户来完成的。
- Meanwhile, to centralise the investment management of its financial assets, the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account (apart from the working balances) to the fund. 另一方面,为了集中管理政府的金融资产,政府亦开始把一般收入帐目中的财政储备(营运资金除外)转拨外汇基金。
- In 1976,the Fund's role was expanded. The backing for coins issued and the bulk of the foreign currency assets held in the Government's General Revenue Account,were also transferred to the Exchange Fund. 一九七六年,用作支持已发行硬币的资产及政府一般收入帐目中的大部分外币资产均转拨外汇基金,外汇基金的功能因而扩大。
- The fiscal reserves are not permanently appropriated for the use of the Exchange Fund,but are repaid to the General Revenue Account when they are required to meet the obligations of the general revenue. 财政储备并非永久拨供外汇基金使用,而是在政府需要履行一般收入所须承担的支出时拨回一般收入账目中。
- Meanwhile,to centralise the investment management of its financial assets,the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account (apart from the working balances) to the fund. 另一方面,为了集中管理政府的金融资产,政府亦开始把一般收入帐目中的财政储备(营运资金除外)转拨外汇基金。
- The fiscal reserves are not permanently appropriated for the use of the Exchange Fund, but are repaid to the General Revenue Account when they are required to meet the obligations of the general revenue. 财政储备并非永久拨供外汇基金使用,而是在政府需要履行一般收入所须承担的支出时拨回一般收入账目中。
- Agfa group years revenue currently 33 million euros, of which medical revenue account for 43%. the Asia-Pacific region as an important market, sales to the Agfa Healthcare sales income of 17%. 爱克发集团年营收目前为33亿欧元,其中医疗业务的收入占到43%25.;亚太区作为一个重要市场,销售收入占到了爱克发医疗销售收入的17%25。
- Over the years as a result, our revenue growth, fiscal revenue accounted for a higher proportion of GDP, years of savings in times of crisis was finally able to play a key role. 由于多年来,我国财政收入飞速增长,财政收入占GDP的比重较高,多年的积蓄在危急时刻终于可以发挥关键作用了。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。