- These letters revealed him as an honest man. 这些书信透露出他是一个诚实的人。
- We all consider him as an honest man. 我们都认为他是个诚实的人。
- You can't consider him as an honest man. 你不能把他认为是一个老实人。
- And it is to you, Mr. President, that I shall out this truth, with all the force of my revolt as an honest man. 总统先生,我要向你倾吐事实真相,作为一个正直的人,我不由义愤填膺,怒发冲冠。
- The article is an attempt to defame an honest man. 这篇文章旨在诋毁一个正直的人。
- Andy Dufresne: Yeah. The funny thing is - on the outside, I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook. 是的滑稽的是我进监狱前是一个老实正直的男人,现在我不得不在监狱里做犯人。
- It was commonly believed that he was an honest man. 一般都认为他是一个诚实的人。
- He is without dispute, an honest man. 他的确是个诚实的人。
- An honest man rs word is as good as his bond. 诚实人的诺言实际上就是他的保证书。
- All my life I have tried to be an honest man. 我一生都想做一个诚实的人。
- Mr. A is an honest man,as the world goes. 按一般标准来说,A先生是一个诚实的人。
- He is an honest man, as is known to all. 众所周知,他是一个诚实的人。
- Mr A is an honest man, as the world goes. 按一般标准来说,a先生是一个诚实的人。
- An honest man's word is as goog as hia bond. 诚实人说的话等于契约。
- An honest man's word is as good as his bond. 诚实人的诺言实际上就是他的保证书。
- Mickey is an honest man; I say it, even though I have opposed him. 米基是个诚实的人,尽管我曾反对过他,我还是要这样说。
- This point being fixed in his mind, he was but doing his duty, as an honest man, in crushing any unlucky fondness which he might feel towards poor little Fanny. 他心中既然有了这样的主见,那么不论他对可怜的小芬妮如何情意绵绵,他把这种不幸的感情加以扼杀,也只是尽了一个正人君子的本分罢了。
- An honest man is properly indignant at the offer of a bribe. 一个诚实的人对行贿理所当然感到愤慨。
- He impressed me as an honest person. 他给我的印象是个老实人。
- These letters revealed him to be an honest man . 这些信件显示出他是一位诚实的人。