- In those days reuse and recycling were often economic necessities. 在那个年月里,物品的重新使用与回收处理经常是节省开支的必行之策。
- Minimum rates of recovery, including reuse and recycling targets for components, materials and substances. 对部件、材料和物质建立最低的回收利用和循环再利用的目标。
- How make discard mechatronic product implement material and components reuse and recycling in its all life cycle (from manufacturing to abandon) economically is important focus of green Design. 机电产品在其从制造到废弃的整个生命周期过程中,如何以较经济的方式实现废弃后的有效拆卸及零部件的重用、材料回收等,是绿色设计和制造的重要内容之一。
- You will be amazed at how many different places you can apply the reuse and recycle principle to save a few bucks! 不久你将会很惊异地发现你可以在很多地方运用这个再使用和再回收的原则来帮你节省少许钱!
- We should encourage reclamation and recycling. 我们应当鼓励废物的回收和利用。
- Phosphorus recovery from the process of wastewater treatment is an effective way for phosphorus reusing and recycling. 从污水处理的不同环节回收磷并重新利用,是实现磷资源循环利用的有效途径。
- For example, the major countries of the world are meeting in Japan next month to discuss the future for recovering, reusing and recycling assets. 例如,世界上主要国家将于下个月会集日本讨论关于恢复、重新使用和回收资产的未来。
- New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling 纽约州的减少污染、再使用和再循环协会
- The Government is currently consulting the public on large-scale alternatives, but small changes in our habits will also help, including reduce, reuse and recycle. 政府现正就处理废物的问题进行公众谘询。另一方面,你亦可在改变生活习惯上著手,包括减少废物、废物重用及循环再用。
- According to the theory of circular economy,based on three principles of "reducing,reusing and recycling",the new thinking is provided to gradually solve the question. 当前以"减量化"、"再使用"、"再循环"为核心原则的循环经济理念的提出为从根本上解决这一问题提供了新的思路。
- A reverse channel system is the precondition of reusing and recycling of disused resources and the guarantee for smooth development of circular economy. 摘要逆向渠道体系是实现废弃资源再利用和再循环的前提条件,是循环经济发展的保障。
- It then integrates the theory of cycle economy, summarizes characteristics of cycle economy on organic food producing system, being manifested in reducing, reusing and recycling. 接着结合循环经济理论,阐述有机食品生产体系的循环经济特征,表现为减量化、再利用、再循环。
- Now, I'm a great fan of code reuse and an indifferent typist. 现在,我是一个代码复用的爱好者一个无关紧要的打字员。
- recovery and reusing and recycling 回收再生利用
- There are three dumps and recycling centers in this town. 这个镇有三个垃圾站和回收中心。
- The environmentally responsible aspects of the Rapid Fill system include waste reduction, reusability and recyclability. 对环境负责的方面的快速填充系统包括减少废物,再使用和再循环。
- When you avoid buying items that are wasteful, environmentally harmful, or of poor quality, you reject those items in favor of those that can be reduced, reused and recycled. 当你避免购买那些带有耗费材料、对环境有害或质量低劣的包装产品时,你拒绝它们就是在肯定那些可以减少浪费、可以再使用、可以再生的包装。
- To evaluate the possibility in categorizing and recycling dry and wet waste. 以协助评估乾湿废物分开处理及循环再造之可行性。
- Please do not use the HP Return and Recycling Programme for defective supplies. 请不要使用有问题的耗材参加该计划。
- Unreacted monomer is stripped and recycled. 未反应单体经汽提后回收。