- Methods A retrospective cohort study was used in this study. 方法采用历史前瞻性流行病学方法。
- Methods Retrospective cohort study was done to investigate clinical manifestations and laboratory findings of Coxsackie virus in 98 children. 方法回顾分析98例柯萨奇病毒感染的临床表现及实验室资料。
- Methods This retrospective cohort study used data from a perinatal database that included all deliveries at Magee-Womens Hospital from 1995 to 2002. 方法:此回顾性队列研究运用围产期资料包括从1995到2002年在Magee妇女医院分娩病例。
- We assessed the absolute risk of VTE and ATE in a large, single-center, retrospective cohort study and attempted to identify predictive factors in these patients. 我们在一项大型、单中心、回顾性群体研究中评估了VTE和ATE的绝对风险,并在这些病人中尝试去证实猜测性因子。
- Purpose.A retrospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate the subjective long-term results of Dacron prosthetic ligaments in the management of primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. 摘要目的我们对于以达克隆人工韧带进行前十字韧带重建手术进行一个回溯型研究来评估其主观结果。
- Study Design. This is a retrospective cohort study examining 61 patients with neurogenic scoliosis who underwent anterior and/or posterior spinal instrumentation at the age of 18 and younger. 研究设计:本研究是一个回顾队列研究,它测定了61位在18岁或更年幼时接受前路或后路脊柱矫形的神经肌肉性脊柱侧凸患者。
- Retrospective Cohort Study of Long-term Effect of Varicocele on Fertility 精索静脉曲张对男性远期生育力影响的回顾性队列研究
- A Retrospective Cohort Study on the Death Cause of Malignant Neoplasm in a Coke and Chemical Plant 某焦化厂恶性肿瘤死亡的回顾性队列研究
- Cancer mortality of workers exposed to lead: A retrospective cohort study in a smeltery 上海某冶炼厂铅接触工人肿瘤死亡的回顾性队列研究
- A retrospective cohort study of the influence of time of hospital-acquired pneumonia onset on pathogen constitution 医院获得性肺炎发病时间对病原构成影响的回顾性队列研究
- The Relationship between Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Gastric Cancer Development: Retrospective Cohort Study 幽门螺杆菌感染与胃癌发生关系的回顾性队列研究
- A Retrospective Cohort Study on the Association between Colorectal Cancer and History of Appendicitis 阑尾炎史与结直肠癌发病关系的研究
- Aspirin, ibuprofen, and mortality after myocardial infarction: retrospective cohort study 阿司匹林、布洛芬与心肌梗死后死亡率:回顾性队列研究
- A retrospective cohort study of the noise effect on reproductive function and pregnant outcomes in exposed female workers 噪声对女性生殖机能、妊娠结局影响的回顾性队列研究
- A retrospective cohort study on the natural history of human immunodeficiency virus among formal plasma donors in central China 中国中部地区两县既往有偿献血人群艾滋病回顾性队列研究
- Constructing a Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Model of Prognosis Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction by Retrospective Cohort Study 从回顾性队列研究构建急性心肌梗死远期预后因素的Cox比例风险回归模型
- Retrospective cohort study on the relationship between antibiotics usage and nosocomial infections of patients underwent surgical operations 抗菌药物应用与手术患者医院感染关系的队列研究
- retrospective cohort study 回顾群组调查研究
- Which test is a better strategy to determine the outcome of atypical glandular cell-cate-gorized Pap smears? Immunocytochemical p16INK4A expression or human papillomavirus test-A retrospective cohort study 鉴定宫颈巴氏涂片不典型腺上皮细胞分类预后的最佳测试的回顾性队列研究
- Study Design: This is a prospectie radiographic cohort study. 研究设计:该研究是一项前瞻性放射学队列研究。