- retroactive admissio 追计加入
- This will be retroactive agreement. 这些是追溯以往的合约。
- The new law was made retroactive to 1 January. 新法令生效日期可追溯到1 月1 日.
- They get a pay rise retroactive to last January. 他们补发了去年一月起的加薪。
- And what does he mean by retroactive? 问:追溯是什么意思呢?
- Retroactive to when they start to work for me. 追溯到从他们开始为我工作的时候吗?
- They receive a pay rise retroactive to last January. 他获得从去年1月份开始补发的增加工资。
- They received a pay risen retroactive to last January . 他获得从去年1月份开始补发的增加工资。
- Your writing would be subject to 1984-style retroactive erasure. 你所写的将会遭到1984年的风格反动的删去。
- If retroactive indefinitely, one Taiwan exposition thousands is not a problem. 如果追溯下去,一台展会上千人是不成问题。
- The ratification has a retroactive effect, the same as the previous command. 事后的追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。
- Last winter, Avon launched Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit. 去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品Retroactive,并一举获得巨大成功。
- Last winter,Avon launched Retroactive,an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit. 去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品Retroactive,并一举获得巨大成功。
- This invalidation shall not have retroactive effect,unless otherwise provided for in the laws of the Region. 该法律的失效,除香港特别行政区的法律另有规定外,无溯及力。
- The Flesh Handler's gloves no longer have random enchants. This change is retroactive. 新手的手套不再带有随机附魔,这个变化是可追溯的(非是以前的都没有??
- The new law was made retroactive to 1 January, ie as if it had come into effect then. 新法令生效日期可追溯到1月1日.
- "Strict, retroactive, and joint and several liability isn't fair,"says Superfund's former chief administrator Don Clay. “从严处理、秋后算帐、追究连带责任和多方责任的做法是不公平的。”超巨额基金原负责人董·克雷说。
- The Delegation said that protection could be retroactive, and felt that such issues should be examined again. 代表团说这种保护应该是追溯性的,此类问题应该再次予以审议。
- Some bills in Congress would make the higher gratuity retroactive but not the extra life insurance. 而一些国会的议案只限抚恤金可以追溯,而增加的保险就不必了。
- And the edict is retroactive, covering 131 companies that have listed on mainland stock markets since 2005. 这项法令将追溯实行,涉及2005年以来在中国内地证交所上市的131家公司。