- retorld by Gregory McElwain. 作者声明: John Steinbeck ;
- By Gregory Alan Newell, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. 谁谁谁写的。
- At the station we were net by Gregory, the police detective, and Colonel Ross, the owner of silver Blaze. 那个警探格雷戈里和银火焰的主人罗斯上校在火车站接我们。
- ELEGANT performances by Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in the 1953 Hollywood classic "Roman Holiday", made the ancient city a romantic destination. 格利高里·派克和奥黛丽·赫本在1953年的好莱坞经典影片《罗马假日》中的精彩表演,使这座古老的城市变成了浪漫之都。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- The question was decided by referendum. 这问题是由全民投票决定的。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- new translation by Gregory Fried and Richard Polt. 书名/作者 Introduction to metaphysics Martin Heidegger ;
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我们到河边野餐去吧。
- The storm was succeeded by calm. 暴风雨之后是一片沉静。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- Mary was appalled by the dinginess of the house. 玛丽被那肮脏的房子吓坏了。
- It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。