- His mother retired from service last year on the score of illness. 他的母亲去年因病退休了。
- They had done their bit and were now retired from service. 他们尽了自己的职责,现在已经退役了。
- The phases a solution goes through from the time it is conceived until the time it is retired from service. 解决方案所经历的阶段,从构思该解决方案开始,直到该解决方案退出服务为止。
- The treasurer retire from the council after six years. 财务主任六年后期满退出理事会。
- He intended to retire from active life, but fate had decided otherwise. 他打算从活跃的生活中隐退,但命运却做了不同的决定。
- When they reach a certain age, army officers retire from active service. 当达到一定年龄时,军官们退居二线而不再从事那些活跃的工作。
- When they reach a certain age,army officers retire from active service. 当达到一定年龄时,军官们退居二线而不再从事那些活跃的工作。
- The president will soon retire from office. 总裁不久将辞任。
- He is planning to retire from politics next year. 他打算明年退出政坛。
- He will soon retire from the army. 他不久将退役。
- Her father will retire from the army next month. 她爸爸下月就要退役了。
- The DS1 was removed from service manually. 手工使 DS1 退出服务。
- They had decided to retire from farming. 他们决定不再务农。
- My husband will retire from his job mext year and take things easy. 我的丈夫明年就要退休过悠闲的生活了。
- The boxer retired from the contest with eye injuries. 该拳击手因眼部受伤而退出比赛。
- John was a real man when he returned from service with the Marines. 约翰从海军服役回来时,成了一个真正健壮勇敢的硬汉。
- The soldiers received orders to retire from the positions that they had just won. 士兵们接到从他们刚刚攻占的阵地撤退的命令。
- The DS0 was removed from service by a fault condition. 一旦出现故障,就会使 DS0 退出服务。
- To retire or compel to retire from work or a full workload. 退休,离休从工作或满工作量中退下或迫使退下
- They had done their bit and were now released from service. 他们尽了自己的职责,现在已经退役了。