- He had been hardly capable of standing up. 他几乎不能站起来。
- I never learned the trick of standing on my head. 我没有学过头着地倒立的技艺。
- But now you have a lot of standing animals. 但是,现在有很多能够站立的动物了。
- retardation of standing 立迟
- The hall was crammed with a crowd of standing petitioners. 那个大厅挤满了站立的请愿者。
- It was greatly surprising to Tom that ladies of standing in society, often of rank and fashion, should condescend to utter sentiments couched in the language of the fish market. 使汤姆十分惊讶的是,社会地位很高的、有时还是贵族社会和上流社会的贵妇们,怎么会自贬身价,用下流粗话来发泄感情。
- He discovered the value of standing in with his classmates. 他尝到了和同学们合作的甜头。
- No. I'm just in the habit of standing here late at night. 不。我只是有深夜站这里的习惯。
- The shooting positions, of standing, kneeling, and prone. 当然是射击姿势了,也就是站、跪、卧三种姿势。
- Study on phase retardation of a Wollaston prism in convergent light[J]. 引用该论文 李国华;肖胜安;李继仲;李晶.
- Seismic sensitivity analysis of stand cylindrical oil tank. 立式圆柱形储油罐地震敏度分析。
- Love is the highest state of stand insipid Guang Liu Nian. 爱的最高境界是经得起平淡的流年,,
- Retardation of development and progression of coronary atherosclerosis: a new indication for calcium antagonists? 迟滞冠状动脉粥样硬化的进展:钙拮抗剂的一个新的指征?
- Although her wound was insignificant, the foetus was diagnosed with mental retardation of a third grade level. 本人无大碍,但胎儿当时出现宫内窘迫,出生后成为三级智力残障者。
- The retardation of asphaltene aggregation was found to be in the order: DBSA>DP>DAL. 三种沥青质分散剂抑制沥青质胶团聚并强弱顺序为:DBSA>DP>DAL。
- Growth retardation of SGA probably may be related to continued damage GH-IGF-1 axis. 小于胎龄儿的生长落后可能与GH-IGF-1轴持续受损有关。
- L.H.Shyu, C.L.Chen, and D.C.Su, "Method for measuring the retardation of a wave plate," Appl.Opt. 32, 4228-4320 (1993). 陈纯德;"利用外差干涉术来测量波片的相位延迟及方位角";国立交通大学光电工程研究所硕士论文;(1994).
- In addition, we use the Senarmont Ellipsometry to measure the optical retardation of liquid crystal cell. 我们亦将萨纳曼特椭圆仪应用在量测液晶盒的相位延迟中。
- A young widow is hardly capable of standing upright in India. 一位年轻的寡妇几乎无法站立。
- Removes tiredness from long hours of standing and walking. 驱除由于长时间站立或行走产生的疲劳感。