- It is shown from experimental results that the retardation coefficient is not a constant. 实验结果表明:延迟系数并非常数;
- And it is shown from calculated results that retardation coefficient obviously affect the calculated results of maximum concentration of calculated point at the lower reaches. 而计算结果显示:延迟系数对下游计算点的最大浓度计算结果有较大的影响。
- Retardation coefficient is one of the important parameters used in transport models describing radionuclide migration in geological media and usually regarded as a constant in the models. 延迟系数是描述核素在地质介质中迁移的最重要的参数之一,而且通常都被当作常数使用。
- runoff retardance coefficient 径流滞留系数
- retardance coefficient 滞流系数
- The rearward regiments are in painful retard. 后续部队受到令人难以忍受的阻碍。
- This drug will retard your heart rate. 麻药将使你心率缓慢。
- That unpleasant news might retard his recovery. 那个坏消息可能妨碍他的复元。
- Water has a variable coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- It's the laughing gas.It make your reflexes retard. 是笑气(用作麻醉剂),延缓你的反映。
- Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too? 妳也是心智遲緩者嗎?
- He keeps saying so as to retard the time. 他说个不停,以拖延时间。
- Pascal published a treatus on binomial coefficient. 帕斯克发表了关于二项系数的论文。
- Cancel water vapour permeability coefficient. 取消了水蒸气渗透系数。
- Water is variable in coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- Functional coefficient of biological cycle: FCBC. 生物循环功能系数。
- Note: Underlined parts are direct path coefficient. 注:划线的为直接通经系数。
- Ratio of lift coefficient to drag coefficient. 升力系数与阻力系数的比值。
- They also used it for sunburns and to retard the aging process. 他们还用它来防治日光灼伤,以及延缓衰老过程。
- Also ow coefficient of surface friction. 较小的表面摩擦系数。