- resupinate sporophore 扁平子实体
- Many orchids have resupinate flowers. 许多种兰花都有倒垂的花朵。
- Method: The genomic DNA was extracted by combined method of CTAB and DNA gel purification kit from sporophore of three cultivated edible fungus. 方法:以三种栽培的食用菌为材料,采用CTAB结合DNA凝胶回收试剂盒进行基因组DNA的分离和纯化。
- Definition: Puff-ball is the dried sporophore of Lasiosphaera fenzlii Reich., Calvatia gigantea ( Batsch ex Pers. ) Lloyd or Calvatia lilacina (Mont. et Berk.) Lloyd (Fam.Lycoperdaceae). 本品为灰包科真菌脱皮马勃 Lasiosphaera fenzlii Reich.;、大马勃 Calvatia gigantean (Batsch ex Pers
- pyrapolyporus fomentarius sporophore 桦菌芝
- resupinate woodbetony leaf or root 马先蒿
- Research on the Artificial Culture of Cordyceps nigrolla Sporophore 拟黑虫草子实体的人工培育研究
- Radix sen Herba Pedicularis Re-supinatae Resupinate Woodbetony Root or Herb 根或全草
- 6 Cases of Repair of IV Degree Decubitus with Resupinate Skin Flaps in Margin Cuticlar Removal 用褥疮边缘去表皮的翻转皮瓣修复IV度褥疮6例报道
- pileus(p1.pilei) The cap of the mature mushroom or toadstool(sporophore)in certain basidiomycete fungi(e.g. 菌盖:在某些担子菌(如伞菌属)成熟的磨菇类或蕈(担子体)的帽状结构。其下表面由菌褶或线形排列的担子组成。
- teeth triangular to lanceolate, narrow, 3-5 mm.Corolla bluish, resupinate, 1.5-1.7 cm; 三角形的齿到披针形,狭窄,带蓝色的3-5毫米花冠,,1.;5-1
- The Application of Arge Resupinate Shelf Operation with False Acetabulum to the Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip 翻转假臼大造盖治疗先天性髋脱位
- sporophore","sporophorum"," 孢子梗"
- pleurotus sporophore 榆蘑
- coprinus sporophore 鬼盖
- sporophore [植]孢囊柱,芽胞柄,子实体
- resupinateadj. 颠倒的;向上翻转的
- tremella sporophore 黄木耳
- fomes oficinalis sporophore 阿里红
- mellea armillaria sporophore 榛蘑