- 他在文学方面成就不多。He made little proficiency in literary accomplishments.
- 她是一个有成就的小说家。She was a successful novelist.
- 他回味自己的成就。He savored his success.
- 他赞扬政府的成就具有历史意义。He saluted the historic achievement of the government.
- 竞争激励他努力取得成就。He was incited to achievement by rivalry.
- 她为自己的成就而自豪。She is proud of her accomplishments.
- 公司的推销员多少年来都在歌颂公司的辉煌成就。The company's salesman has been caroling its glories for many years.
- 她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。Her academic achievements shamed her brothers.
- 你的成就将为整个学校增光。Your achievement will redound to the good name of the whole school.
- 发明电脑是一大成就。The invention of the computer is a great achievement.
- 一个取得多种成就的人a person of multiple achievements
- 一项巨大成就a monumental achievement
- 他的成就是他对科学的献身精神的明证。His achievements attest his devotion to science.
- 你的学术成就将有助于提高这个研究所的声誉。Your academic achievements will redound to the fame of the research institution.
- 他的成就将为整个学校增光。His achievement will redound the good name of the whole school.
- 杰出成就illustrious accomplishments
- 巨大的成就a prodigious achievement
- 确实的成就tangible results
- 他的学术成就博大精深。His academic achievements are extensive and profound.
- 科学上的一项惊人成就a spectacular achievement in science