- resugent ejecta 再生物出物, 附生喷出物
- The pressure behind this shock wave drives an inward-moving shock wave that heats the ejecta, seen as the aqua cloud. 激波后的压力驱使内行激波加热物质,也就是图中浅绿色的云团。
- The expanding ejecta drive an outward-moving shock wave that races ahead of the ejecta into the interstellar gas (bright outer rim). 膨胀的抛出物驱动着外行激波,领先于抛出物冲入星际气体(明亮的外缘)。
- First came the impact, which sent a rain of molten rock into the air and formed an "ejecta" layer for hundreds of miles around. 首先是冲击,使熔融岩石冲进空中并且在数百英里周围形成一个喷出物的层,然后变成海啸,劳顿说:"海浪冲向熔融岩石并且把它带回到深水"。
- In 1994 Hubble began seeing spots brighten in sequence along the central ring: the supernova ejecta smacking into the ring. 1994年哈伯开始观测到中央环上一连串的亮点,这代表超新星的喷出物霹雳啪啦地撞上了环圈。
- Searches in the data for impurity clues in the water-ice dominated plumes and surface ejecta are progressing. 科学家持续不断的研究这些由水冰主宰的羽状烟柱及表面喷发物,来寻找水存在的可能性。
- Bright ejecta rays such as these are produced as impacts excavate and eject relatively unweathered subsurface material. 这些放射状陨石坑产生于天体撞击溅出的地下物质,绵延在遍布陨石坑的水星表面数百公里。
- The shape of jet、velocity of shock wavefront and ejecta head were obtained through shadow images. 通过获取的阴影图像观察到了带有特定形状缺陷(矩形槽、盲孔)锡自由表面的微喷射演变过程,给出了微射流的形状,冲击波阵面以及喷射物头部的运动速度等物理信息。
- A small impact crater, surrounded by ejecta, is filled in with rippled sand on the floor of Ritchey Crater. 一个小陨石坑中,喷出物包围,充满沙子与皱对里奇陨石坑发言。
- A small crater partially buried in wind-blown ejecta from a much larger crater (below, out of frame). 一个小陨石坑部分埋在风力吹从一个更大的火山口(以下,出帧)喷出物。
- In the case of N132D, the horseshoe shape of the remnant is thought to be due to shock waves from the collision of the supernova ejecta with cool giant gas clouds. 在N132D中,遗迹的马蹄铁状外观据信是因超新星抛出物与巨大的冷分子云相撞所致的。
- The clear separation of the shocked matter and the heated ejecta in the Chandra image allowed astronomers to determine the mass and composition of the ejecta. 在钱德拉的照片上,激波扰过的物质与被加热的抛出物之间明显的分隔让天文学家可以定出抛出物的质量与组分。
- Highly reflective material with a steeper slope (seen as bright orange in this enhanced-color view) is exposed in the ejecta near the crater's rim. 陡峭斜坡形的高反光物质(在这张增强色视图中的亮橙色)暴露在陨石坑的边缘的喷出物中。
- Even if I1004,1,2 turns out to be secondary ejecta, there are still six more tracks that could turn out to be interstellar. 即便假设I1004,1,2原本就是二次溅射物,还有6个可能成为星际尘埃的轨迹。
- A 3-chimney height exclusion zone shall be maintained to minimize the chance of ejecta or debris hitting any spectators. 应保持一个相等于3枝烟囱高度的限制区,以防喷出物或碎片击中周围的人。
- Planetary geologists formerly believed that any impact ejecta with speeds exceeding the Martian escape velocity would almost certainly be vaporized or at least completely melted. 行星地质学家以前相信,只要撞击喷出物的速度超过火星的脱离速度,几乎会被蒸发,不然至少也会完全熔化。
- SOHO came in handy last fall when it caught two large CMEs headed for the earth, but it could not follow the ejecta nor provide an accurate impact time. 去年秋天,SOHO捕捉到两个正对地球而来的大规模CME时,堪称灵敏,不过它既不能追踪喷流,又不能提供准确的侵袭时间。
- In the only other supernova remnant (the Vela supernova remnant) where such features have been observed, the crescent shapes are clearly produced by ejecta fragments. 其他超新星遗迹中,只有一个(船帆座超新星遗迹)观测到了这样的特征,可以确信,该遗迹的新月形外观是抛出的碎片造就的。
- It should also help to determine whether most of the dust in the supernova remnant came from the massive star before it exploded, or from the rapidly expanding supernova ejecta. 这还可以帮助人们确定,超新星遗迹中的大部分尘埃究竟源于爆发前的大质量恒星,还是来自迅速膨胀的超新星抛出物。
- This story, though, raises the question of why there is but a single ejecta layer of iridium and shocked quartz in late Cretaceous rocks around the world. 然而,这却引发了一个问题:为什么全世界只有一个白垩纪后期的铱和受震石英熔岩层。