- Developing strategies for China to legitimately restrict trade in a WTO-consistent way should it need to resort to applying trade-limiting measures. 中国的策略:利用WTO规则中有关发展中国家合理限制贸易的条款,采用适当的贸易限制措施。
- Nor can China argue that it is using the measures that restrict trade the least, one standard for acceptability under the WTO. 中国也不能援引世贸组织的一个可以接受的标准,说它采取的措施对贸易的限制最小。
- Some NTBS may restrict trade but improve welfare in the presence of negative externalities or informational asymmetries. 一些非关税壁垒可能会限制贸易,而是改善福利,在存在负外部性或信息的不对称性。
- The National Animal Health Program protects Canadian livestock and poultry from serious diseases that could restrict trade or pose a risk to human health. 国家动物健康计划保护了加拿大牲畜和家禽免于严重的疾病,而这些疾病可能限制国际贸易或给人类带来健康风险。
- The government responded in 1890 with the Sherman Antitrust Act, which made it illegal for any person or business to monopolize trade, or to contract, combine or conspire to restrict trade. 1890年政府通过了“谢尔曼反托拉斯法”,规定任何个人或企业垄断贸易,或通过签约、联合或共谋来限制贸易的行为均属非法。
- The government responded in 1890 with the Sherman Antitrust Act, which made it illegal for any person or business to monopolize trade , or to contract, combine or conspire to restrict trade . 1890年政府通过了“谢尔曼反托拉斯法”,规定任何个人或企业垄断贸易,或通过签约、联合或共谋来限制贸易的行为均属非法。
- The Animal Health Program reflects the Agency's mission by protecting Canadian livestock and poultry from serious animal diseases that could pose a risk to human health (zoonoses) or restrict trade. 动物健康项目反映了该署的任务,即保护加拿大畜禽免遭重大疫病,防止人畜共患病或影响对外贸易。
- British landmarks are the establishment of the Monopolies Commission and the Restrictive Trade Practices Act. 英国的划时代事件是建立垄断委员会和限制贸易实施法案。
- OIA will also work to protect the outdoor industry from duties, quotas, and other restrictive trade barriers on the import of specialty outdoor products. 同时,OIA还帮助解决特殊户外产品在进口时遇到的关税,配额以及其他贸易壁垒的问题。
- I restrict myself to smoking two cigarettes a day. 我限定自己每天只抽两支烟。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- My deskmate wanted to trade his pen for my book. 我的同桌想用他的钢笔换我这本书。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The trade is clogged with restrictions. 贸易因诸多限制而受阻。
- He is in the secondhand car trade. 他是从事二手车买卖的。
- Recent laws have tended to restrict the freedom of the press. 新法例有限制新闻自由的趋势。
- Denied Party Screener allows you to use a single source to search for restricted trading parties by destination country or by party. Denied Party Screener允许您使用单一资源,按照目的地国家或贸易方搜寻受限贸易方。
- There has been some shrinkage in our export trade. 我们的出口贸易量已有些减少。
- The new tariffs have put a stranglehold on trade. 新的关税制对开展贸易极为不利。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。