- There is restoration work at a dilapidated hotel on the outskirts of the town of al-Qurnah,three hours drive to the east. 往东小时车程就是古尔奈市镇,郊区一座残破不堪的饭店正在修复重建。
- Restoration work has already started on seven of these landfills and will be completed by late 1998. 其中7处堆填区的修复工程已经展开,将于一九九八年底完成。
- The Amber Room is now open to the public after25 years of restoration work costing10 million dollars. 如今经过25年耗资千万美元的重建,琥珀厅向公众开放了。
- The absence of a secondary waste stream is another attraction to use Cold Jet for restoration work. 没有二次废物流是吸引人们使用Cold Jet执行修复工作的另一个原因。
- The architects that specify restoration work will often not allow chemicals or abrasive cleaning methods not be used. 分配修复工作的建筑师经常不允许使用化学品或会产生磨损的清洁方法。
- In recent years some restoration work has been done on the Hagia Sophia, and a few of the mosaics have been uncovered. 近年来,人们对圣索菲亚大寺进行了复原工作,一些被灰浆掩盖的镶嵌画得以重见天日。
- As part of its restoration work, the conservation division invites experts, such as this pottery master, to recreate works after the originals. 科技室为进行瓷器复原的工作,特别请来国内拉坯第一高手翁师傅,按照原器拉坯。
- There is no deadline for finishing the cleanup and restoration work, but Zhu estimates that the final cost will reach about $2.5 billion. 清洁和重建工作没有截止日期,但朱预计最终成本将达到大约25亿美元。
- Cold Jet is the best cleaning method for restoration projects due to the need for a non-abrasive and chemical-free process in most restoration work. Cold Jet是用于修复项目的最佳清洁方法,因为大多数修复工程需要无磨损且无化学品的修复过程。
- Restoration work for the 112 year old steam locomotive is complete and is being moved to Daibag (Taipei) train station for display. 有百十二年历史耶蒸汽火车头《腾云号》复修了后今阿日徙去台北车站展乎郎参观。
- He is Conservator of Ship Models for the South Street Seaport Museum and does restoration work for Christie's as well as private clients. 他是保护者的船舶模型的南街海港博物馆并恢复工作,克里斯蒂以及私人客户。
- Thanks to its restoration works and new image, the hotel has become one of Lugo's most emblematic buildings and a point of reference for both the city and its visitors. 由于它的修复工程和新形象,酒店已经成为一个卢戈最具象征的建筑物和一个参照点,为该市及其客人。
- The place was very dangerous since no one knew when the structures might cave in, or when cranes would tear them down because restoration work had begun. 那个地方非常危险,因为没人知道建筑物什么时候会整个坍塌下来,而且灾区重建工作已经开始进行,起重机随时会将这些建筑物拆除。
- Backup and restore works correctly with the vardecimal storage format. 使用vardecimal存储格式时,备份和还原可正常进行。
- The million euro restoration works corrected the lean by 45 centimetres, guaranteeing the tower's survival for two more centuries at least - provided it does not become a terrorist target. 耗费上百万欧元的修建工程将斜塔的倾斜度修正了45厘米,保证斜塔只要不是恐怖袭击的目标,至少在两百年内不会倒塌。
- On the three connected aspects: the development of Standards in Conservation, the establishment of Contract Specifications for Restoration Work and the methodological approach of a Risk Map for Cultural Heritage. 讲座主题三个相关链接:保护标准的发展;恢复规格条约的建立;文化遗产的探索方法。
- While the restoration work was in progress, a systematic archaeological excavation of the interior of the fort was conducted by the Antiquities and Monuments Office with the assistance of volunteers. 当进行修缮工程时,古物古迹办事处在义工协助下,在炮台内部进行有系统的考古发掘工作,出土器物数量甚丰。
- The ‘work out’ could involve such activities as restoration work to hedge pruning all agree that meeting other people and 'having a natter and a laugh' is a big attraction of the scheme. 户外活动可以包括很多种,例如整理修剪过的篱笆等。大家都觉得能够结识新朋友,闲谈和开怀大笑正是这项计划的魅力所在。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The author's fingerprint is quite obvious in all of his works. 作者的特色在他所有的作品中都很明显。