- Your superior admires your responsible attitude. 上司十分欣赏你的责任感。
- Clare has a mature and responsible attitude to work. 克莱尔对待工作成熟而可信赖。
- We will be simple and responsible attitude to promote the most meticulous work. 我们将以纯朴,负责的工作态度推广最为细致的作品。
- The Chinese government has all along adopted a very prudent and responsible attitude toward landmine export. 中国政府对地雷出口历来采取十分慎重和负责的态度。
- We are likely to reverse the declining fertility rate only if people adopt a new and responsible attitude towards marriage and procreation. 只有思想观念得以改变,明白身为人类一员所应承担的责任时,生育率回弹才能成为一种可能。
- It has consistently adopted a responsible attitude toward post-war demining question and has done considerable fruitful work in this regard. 为此,中国政府在战后扫雷问题上一贯持认真负责的态度,并做了大量富有成效的工作。
- China, being a responsible big country, had adopted the proactive and responsible attitude in the crisis. 中国作为一个负责任的大国,在危机中采取了积极负责的态度。
- However, I’ve started taking a more responsible attitude to my dealings, especially regarding outgoings. 由于急躁,一年之后,我马上就损失了一项定价300美元的服务定单(我猜你应该有时会阅读这方面信息)。
- China has all along adopted a constructive and responsible attitude towards the Darfur issue. 在达尔富尔问题上,中方一直持建设性和负责任的态度。
- Carefull recruitment and repeated training ensures quality work and a professional and responsible attitude of its staff. 招聘和反复训练,保证质量工作和一个专业和负责任的态度。
- That the success of a corporation is a reflection of the professionalism, conduct and the responsible attitude of its management and employees. 一个成功的企业是企业管理层和职员的专业特性、行为和责任感的一种反映。
- Thinking clear, methodical work, I work on is a serious and responsible attitude toward the evaluation of their own work. 思维清晰,办事有条不紊,工作认真负责是我对自己工作态度的评价。
- Nevertheless, the Chinese government still upholds the notion of opening-up and takes a proactive and responsible attitude in tackling the crisis. 尽管如此,中国政府仍然秉持开放的理念,在危机中采取积极负责的态度。
- Love our work, in the cause of a highly responsible attitude and adhere to assiduously, Renlaorenyuan, solid and meticulous. 热爱本职工作,本着对事业高度负责的态度,坚持刻苦钻研,任劳任怨,扎实细致。
- Conkey will take a responsible attitude towards leadership, norms , Education, industry, market, and improve industry-wide influence! 康基将以负责任的态度领导、规范、教育行业市场,提高行业广泛影响力!
- The formulation of this program fully displays the Chinese Government's earnest and responsible attitude toward,and its concern for,the work impacting children. 《纲要》的制定,充分显示了中国政府重视和关怀儿童事业严肃、负责的态度。
- China has consistently adopted a prudent and responsible attitude toward the export of chemicals or biological agents,as well as related production equipment and technologies. 中国一贯对化学品、生物剂及有关生产设备和技术的出口持慎重、负责的态度。
- China takes a responsible attitude toward the manufacture and transfer of small arms,having strict laws and administrative control measures in this regard. 中国在小武器的生产、转让等问题上采取负责任的态度,有严格的法律和行政管理措施。
- In each of its driving schools and on road, it provides training at all levels, promoting the development of professional skills and a safe and responsible attitude to driving. 每所训练中心,无论在教学中心和道路上都提供各种不同程度的训练。该公司除了将专业驾车技巧教授给学车人士,并同时传递安全及负责任驾驶态度的讯息。
- And good humor, plain steady, good contacts, studious, practical, serious and responsible attitude correct, hard-working, have the courage to meet new challenges. 性格开朗,质朴沉稳,善于交往,勤奋好学,脚踏实地,认真负责,态度端正,吃苦耐劳,勇于迎接新的挑战