- The Health assembly adopted the International Health Regulations (2005), which provide a framework for global alert and response to public health emergencies of international concern. 卫生大会通过了《国际卫生条例(2005)》,为引起国际关注的突发公共卫生事件全球预警和应对提供一个框架。
- In response to public concern, we have increased the penalties for the offence of taking photographs inside polling stations. 回应市民的关注,我们已提高了在票站内拍照的罚则。
- In response to public concern over the quality of public housing, the Legislative Council appointed a select committee on February 7 to inquire into the matter. 鉴于公众对公营房屋的质素表示关注,立法会于二零零一年二月七日委任专责委员会,调查有关问题。
- In response to public concern over the quality of public housing,the Legislative Council appointed a select committee on February 7 to inquire into the matter. 鉴于公众对公营房屋的质素表示关注,立法会于二零零一年二月七日委任专责委员会,调查有关问题。
- We are working towards a second stage public consultation focusing on the feasibility of introducing mandatory building inspections in response to public views. 我们因应公众意见,现正筹备进行第二阶段公众谘询,集中探讨引入强制验楼的可行性。
- I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我应召急忙前去帮助我的朋友。
- Her conduct subjected her to public ridicule. 她的行为使她受众人嘲笑。
- He made/gave no response to my inquiry. 他对我的询问未予回答。
- It is expected to be available for circulation in the late summer and early autumn and will be released, subject to sufficient supplies being available, in response to public demand. 新钞目前在印制中,预计将于今年夏秋之间因应市民的需求开始分批推出市面流通。
- Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking ... 本人并不习惯於当众讲话 ...
- She made no response to my letter. 她没有回我的信。
- An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion. 一个正直的法官不能一味顺从舆论。
- Accustom as I am to public speaking, I know the futility of it. 我虽然习惯公开演讲,但我却知道那是枉费心机的。
- The government succumbed to public pressure. 政府屈服於公众压力。
- Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal. 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。
- As the passage of the property law itself demonstrates, the party is showing itself somewhat more responsive to public opinion than it was in the past. 如同物权法的通过所表现的那样,共产党正向外界显示它比以前更加注意对大众观点做出回应。
- I am unaccustomed to public show. 我不习惯抛头露面。
- In response to their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note. 为回报他们的热情,我们写了一封感谢信。
- I've had no response to my letter. 我还没有回信。
- They have to set the axe to public expenditure. 他们不得不削减公共费用。