- respondeat ouster [法] 准再答辩
- He have to apply for an ouster order. 他不得不申请驱逐令。
- Both lawmakers are called for al-Maliki's ouster. 这两位立法委员都要求马利基下台。
- The judge makes an ouster order. 法官发出驱逐令。
- Both lawmakers are called for al-Maliki’s ouster. 这两位立法委员都要求马利基下台。
- Both lawmakers have called for al-Maliki's ouster. 这两名立法委员都希望马利基下台。
- That two-year old controversy evolved into charges of ethics violations and prompted some European governments to demand his ouster. 这个长达两年的争论逐渐演变成违法道德的指控并促使许多欧盟国家政府要求其离任。
- Eighty percent of Thais in apublic opinion study approved of the ouster of taxing after five years as prime minister. 公众评价研究中,百分之八十的泰国人担任总理后5年同意驱逐。
- Calls for the ouster of Shivraj Patil had been heard even before last week's attack on Mumbai. 联邦层级的第一个政治牺牲品是不得人心的内政部长。
- Sakwa: 8.7, 8.15, and 8.19-8.21 (Anti-Party Group, Solzhenitsyn, Khrushchev's Ouster). 21(反政党的团体、索忍辛尼、赫鲁雪夫的罢黜)。
- Violence in Afghanistan is at its highest level since the Taliban's ouster in late 2001. 自从2001年底塔利班被推翻以来,阿富汗目前的暴力事件是最频繁的。
- Two of his coalition partners, the People's Party and the Greens and Farmers' Union, had demanded his ouster, he added. 他补充说,执政联盟中的人民党、绿党和农民联盟都要求他辞职。
- Mr Thaksin in his first public statement after his ouster said in London that he wanted to take a rest from politics. 在他信被废除总理后,他在伦敦首次公开声明他想淡出政治舞台。
- With the ouster of President Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan might be able to pursue policies less dominated by the West. 由于穆沙拉夫下台,巴基斯坦可能追求不那么受西方主导的政策。
- The win, coming in the wake of Mr.Musharraf's ouster, also stamps out vestiges of military rule in Pakistan. 而扎尔达里在穆沙拉夫离任后所赢得的这一胜利,也为巴基斯坦抹去了军人统治的遗迹。
- This year has become the deadliest for the foreign troops since the 2001 ouster of the Taliban. 今年是自2001年外国军队进入阿富汗驱逐塔利班分子以来最为致命的一年。
- Polls have shown a gradual erosion of popular support for the war effort in Iraq since Saddam Hussein's ouster. 民意调查显示,自萨达姆.;侯赛因被推翻,民众对伊拉克战争的支持率在逐渐下降。
- Rick Wagoner can take some comfort in his ouster from the top job at General Motors. 被迫卸去通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)首席执行长一职的瓦格纳(RickWagoner)应能得到些许安慰。
- Despite Greejatus' ouster, Palpatine still had a use for him, and enlisted him as an advisor. 尽管格里贾特斯被罢免了,但帕尔帕廷仍然器重他,请他当顾问。
- Kyrgyzstan is the third former Soviet republic where popular protests have led to the ouster of long-serving, increasingly authoritarian leaders. 吉尔吉斯斯坦是第三个因为群众示威而导致长期掌权的独裁者下台的前苏联共和国。