- No delay! We urgently need these books. 决不要拖延!我们急需这些书。
- The delay made the patient go purple in the face. 时间的拖延使病人脸色发紫。
- We decided to delay our wedding until next year. 我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。
- They each excel in their respective fields. 他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的。
- I owe you an apology for the delay. 我该为这次耽搁向您道歉。
- Please see into this matter without delay. 请立即调查这件事情。
- He drove them both to their respective homes. 他驾车把他们分别送到家里。
- He has no superior in this respect. 在这个方面没人能胜过他。
- I was impatient at his delay in answering. 我对他的迟延答覆感到不耐烦。
- He commands the respect of all who know him well. 所有了解他的人都对他非常尊敬。
- After a long delay the performance finally started. 演出拖延很久,最後总算开始了。
- After much delay, he finished his paper at last. 拖了那么久,他终于完成了论文。
- I do not respect him because he is knowledgeable. 我并非因为他有学问而尊敬他。
- Please send them here without further delay. 请即派员前来,勿再迟延。
- In respect to violin, I am polygamous. 就小提琴而言,我是一夫多妻主义的。
- In this instance we will overlook the delay. 在此情况下我们宽容这次延误或耽搁。
- He is a man whom I believe we should respect. 我相信他是个我们应当尊敬的人。
- He has a great respect for his father. 他很敬佩他的父亲。
- I respect him for his diligence. 我敬佩他的勤奋。
- We should respect individuality. 我们应该尊重个性。