- The resource based city rises because of development of local forest,mineral resources,and it is a kind of special city that they mainly rely on the resource based industry to support the development of whole urban economy within one period. 资源型城市是因当地森林、矿产资源的开发而兴起,并在一段时期内主要依靠资源型产业支撑整个城市经济发展的一种特殊城市和地区类型。
- The Changing Shape of Society From Resource Based. 从基于资源的社会。
- Focally developing on resource_type traditional industry,the city has been an important energy &resource base. 专注地发展资源型传统产业,这座城市发展成了一个重要的能源和资源基地。
- Jiaxing is an important energy resource base of east China. 嘉兴是华东地区重要的能源基地。
- median - resource - based industry 中观资源型产业
- Economic growth and human well-being depend on the natural resource base that supports all living systems. 经济增长和人类的福利依赖于支持所有生命系统的自然资源。
- The Beijing dingshun involves many domains along the base industry service domain: Real estate, ceramics, lumber, steel products, Shi Cai, plate and so on. 北京鼎顺基业业务领域涉及多个领域:房产、陶瓷、木材、钢材、石材、板材。
- Oil industry sees the main base industry of national economy, of the " of the sources of energy in the sources of energy of the haemal " that element has " modern industry, " say. 石油工业见国民经济的重要基础产业,素有"现代工业的血液"、"能源中的能源"之称。
- With the fast development of internet, web has become a great, dynamic and isomerous information and resource base. 随着Internet的飞速发展,Web已经成为一个海量的、动态的、异构的信息资源库。
- Abstract The Resource based Learning (RBL) is a kind of study mode with the purpose of cultivating students’ information literacy. 资源型学习(RBL)是一种以培养学生信息素养为主要目的的学习方式。
- Dynamic capabilities manifest the organizational capacity to purposefully create or modify the firm's resource base. 动态能力表明组织能力要有目的地创造或修改企业资源基础。
- The interactive pathology learning website is a teaching resource based on modern multimedia technology and network-based teaching environment. 病理学互动专题学习网站是基于现代多媒体、网络教学环境的教学资源。
- The main purpose in constructing design resource base is to reuse the design resource efficiently. 建立设计资源库的主要目的是为了实现产品设计资源重用。
- Continual unbalanced fertilization practices degrade the soil resource base and create a downward spiral of less and less production potential. 长时间的不平衡施肥措施是土壤资源退化,并产生一个生产潜力越来越低的恶性循环。
- The query processor determines what types of locks are required to protect each resource based on the type of access and the transaction isolation level setting. 查询处理器根据访问类型和事务隔离级别设置来确定保护每一资源所需的锁的类型。
- Neil Barron is a London based industrial designer and part-time senior tutor at the Royal College of Art. 尼尔巴隆是一个总部位于伦敦的工业设计师和部分时间制的高级教师在皇家艺术学院。
- The second answer is substitution of applications using aluminium, titanium and plastics - depending of course on how strained their resource base is. 第二个回答是,人们将会寻找替代品,比如试图用铝、钛及塑料来替代它,当然了这要看它们自己的境况如何了。
- There are 6 main themes of crafted items based upon the main type of resource they use: wood based, crystal based, metal based, hide based, food based, and resource based. 工匠可以制造6种基于使用材料所决定的风格物品:木制型、水晶型、金属型、皮革型、食物型和资源型。
- How to construct a learning resource base with the edutainment software is a valuable research topic in the course of education reform. 如何开发和利用教育娱乐软件构建支持性学习资源库,是当前教育改革过程中值得研究的课题。
- development of knowledge based industry 知识产业发展