- The final aim of international logistics park inner and exterior systematism is to optimize the resource collocation. 国际物流园区的内部系统化和外部系统化,最终目的是实现资源的优化配置。
- Objective:To investigate and seize the situation and development of resource collocation and of the provincial women and children care institutions,and to analyze and appraise its resource collocation and output. 目的:通过对省级妇幼保健机构资源配置状况的调查,掌握省级妇幼保健机构的资源配置现状及产出发展趋势,并对省级妇幼保健机构的资源配置与产出进行综合评价。
- The specific decision contrast is made to the resource collocation of different community, and the improvement measures are put forward for the some community s collocation program. 对不同社区的资源配置进行了具体决策对比,并对部分社区的配置方案提出了改进措施。
- On the one hand,the price competition could make the resource collocated over again. 一方面,价格竞争起到了优胜劣汰、实现资源重新配置的作用;
- The imbalance of resource collocates is the important reason which leads to the differences between development of city and village. 摘要本文认为资源配置不均衡是导致城乡发展差距扩大的重要原因。
- First of all, from the resource collocating angle, if it is competitive management field, it should be adjusted by the market economy. 再次,社会资源的主要配置者应该是市场,财政的职能也应该界定在市场机制失灵的范围内。
- On the Function of Officer Morals in the Public Resource Collocation 官德在公共资源配置中的作用
- university teacher resources collocation 高校教师资源配置
- The disquisition results are important reference that the development of tobacco with characteristics and the resource collocating of tobacco leaf in Yunnan Province. 本文研究结果对云南特色烟叶开发和烟叶资源配置具有重要的参考作用。
- Based on the Nash equilibrium,the compensation schemes of the two water resource collocating modes,the water rights trade and the administrative intermediation are gained,and the game propert... 不同的补偿方式对应着不同的补偿量,在实际应用中可根据应急调水的实际情况,选择一种方式或多种方式联合应用,为管理者的决策提供参考。
- Strengthening the Property Information Management to Increase Scientific Resource Collocation Decision-Making Ability 加强资产信息管理提高资源配置科学决策能力
- Because many necessary conditions nowadays are lacked, such as the developed financial market, which can make resources collocated efficiently. 因为完全浮动汇率制度虽然可以使资源得到最有效的配置,但是其优势的发挥要求有发达的金融市场支持,中国目前并不具备这一条件。
- Optimizing Resources Collocation to Acceler ate Educational Reformation 优化资源配置 促进教育改革
- Then we argue regulations on the regulator from the point of government dilemma, stress the arrangement of regulation resources collocate under different information structure. 第三从政府失灵的角度讨论了对规制者的监督,并分析了在不同信息结构下,监管体制安排对监管资源配置的影响。
- Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse. 无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。
- Since Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange of 1990 established, domestic stock market has been played an important role in raising capital, adjusting economic structure, optimizing resources collocating and promoting the national economy, etc. 自1990年上海、深圳证券交易所成立以来,国内证券市场在筹集资金、调整经济结构、优化资源配置、促进国民经济发展等方面发挥了积极作用,成为我国经济活动中不可缺少的一部分。
- It is more important to settle the problems of corporation size too small, cost too much, overage competition, throughput decentralization, and efficiency of resources collocating too low while china has become a member of WTO. 尤其是,我国已经加入世界贸易组织,解决企业规模小、成本费用高、竞争过度、生产能力分散、资源配置效率较低这些问题显得更为迫切。
- medical resource collocation 医疗资源配置
- Collocation uses all sorts of adornment data. 搭配使用各种装饰材料。
- Is the Former Soviet Union a Need for Collocation? "前苏联"是搭配用语的需要吗?