- A FFT spectrum analyzer was used to measure the resonant frequency. 试验时采用六种实大尺寸试材,共振频率之测定系利用FFT频谱分析仪。
- The microwave oscillator frequency is locked to the resonant frequency of loaded resonator by means of automatic frequency control (AFC). 微波振荡频率用自动频率控制 (AFC)的方法自动锁在有载腔的频率上 .
- Simulation shows that both CW and CCW waves can be locked at the resonance frequency of the resonator quickly by frequency feedback operation. 仿真结果表明 ,多次反馈频率操作 ,可以较快地锁定到谐振点
- Detail view of sensor to measure the inner pipe's resonant frequency. 用来测量内管共振频率之感测器详图。
- The external inspirator is available to drive the resonator to produce traveling wave.Under resonant frequency the distortion of resonator reached a peak. 外激励的驱动方式可以使扁环型谐振管产生有效的行波分量,在谐振频率下,谐振管腔的综合变形量最大。
- At the same time, the length of connector of resonator has been discussed, and a synthetic equation of calculating resonant frequency has been put forward. 同时对连接管长度的修正问题做了阐述,得出了共振腔一维轴向传播模型共振频率的计算公式。
- temperature coefficient of resonator frequency 谐振频率温度系数
- cavity resonator frequency meter 谐振腔频率计
- Analysis is made on thermally excited deflection and resonant frequency of the micromachined silicon resonant sensors. 分析了硅微机械谐振式传感器在热激励下的挠曲及谐振频率变化,建立了相应的数学模型,并对热挠曲灵敏度进行了优化设计。
- Capacity existing in the circuit and consequently the resonant frequency of the antenna system. 天线尺寸决定回路中的电感量和电容量,从而也决定天线系统的谐振频率。
- The firmness of watermelon can be nondestructively evaluated by measuring the resonant frequency of the watermelon. 西瓜的硬度可以通过检测其固有频率得到。
- Qf value and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency decreased gradually as (Lii/2Ndi/2)TiO3 content increased. Qf值和谐振频率温度系数随(Li_(1/2)Nd_(1/2))TiO_3含量增加而线性下降。
- Keywords: ultrasound, achilles tendon, mechanical properties, resonant frequency. 关键词:超音波、阿基里斯腱、机械特性、共振频率。
- The results showed that the resonant frequency decreased slightly with increased number of mortise holes. 此一结果将有助于对老旧建材弹性留存率之评估,有助于此等建材之有效再利用。
- The line with an impedance of approximately 37.5 ohms around 2000 Hz is this driver resonant frequency (Fs). 该线与一阻抗约37.;5欧姆左右,2000年赫兹这是司机的谐振频率(财经事务)。
- Based on the equivalent circuit, the resonance frequency equation is derived and the resonance frequency is obtained. 在此基础上,推出了弹性薄圆盘径向振动的频率方程以及振子共振频率的表达式。
- The superimposition method adds a signal at its resonance frequency with a signal at the subharmonic frequency. 本研究并提出两类波形以有效诱发穴蚀效应,分别为串接法及重叠法。
- The existence of components decreases the shielding effectiveness and resonant frequency. 元件的存在使得机箱的屏蔽效能降低,谐振频率下降。
- Resonance frequency of the microvalve is much higher than the working frequency of the thermal actuated micropump. 分析表明本文中的微型阀的固有频率比热驱动微型泵的工作频率高得多,因此阀片的动态特性可不予考虑。
- Changing the structure of the excitation device can change the resonance frequency of the PZT. 通过改变压电陶瓷的结构可以改变压电陶瓷的谐振频率。