- A database system of wear resistance materials(AWRMDS) is created by using Delphi software on the basis of abrasive wear working system(AWWS). 以磨料磨损工作系统(AWWS)为基础;采用delphi软件建立了耐磨料磨损材料数据库系统(AWRMDS).
- The low velocity/low resistance materials in the old mantle were fluids and melts with low meltability occurred as veins and/or lenses. 新生代地幔中的该物质为含熔体的软流圈物质,它们呈多个蘑菇云状;
- It has abradant, fire resisting materials, and metallurgy plants. 刚玉,黑刚玉,锆刚玉,烧结刚玉,镁铝尖晶石,电熔莫来石,氧化铝空心球,氧化锆空心球。
- It is built from the toughest heat resistant materials. 它是用最坚韧的耐热材料建造的。
- Urumqi Xinzhou Wear Resistant Material Co., Ltd. 新轴耐磨材料有限公司。
- Special corrosion resistant materials are used for service with chemically aggressive media. 特殊的防腐蚀材料用于化学腐蚀性介质的测量。
- Special corrosion resistant materials protect the wetted parts in service with chemically aggressive media. 特殊的化学防腐蚀材料能保护生产中浸泡于化学腐蚀介质的元件。
- It puts forwards the way to substitute the rubbing resistance material from resin with the fiber cut out of highly strength cast vibrantly. 高强度铸铁以振动切削法制成纤维,替代石棉纤维与树脂等复合形成摩阻材料。
- High resistivity materials plates means that the resistivity is far more than that of the metal plates. 高电阻率收尘极板是指收尘极板的电阻率远远大于金属极板的极板。
- It is difficult to control the sclerotium disease for the short of resistance material, its wide host range, drug resistance and so on. 菌核病因缺乏野生抗性资源、自然寄主广泛、病原菌自身抗药性等原因,在防治上一直存在极大的困难。
- All rubber elastomers shall be of chloramine resistant material. 所有弹性合成橡胶应该是耐氯胺腐蚀材料。
- Used as deoxidizer and high-temperature resistant material. 作为冶金脱氧剂和耐高温材料。
- Precious metal strain resistance materials 贵金属应变电阻材料
- In general, the equipment or structures made of HSC resistant materials may operate safely though they may have induced cracks. 对由抗HSC性能良好的材料制作的设备或构件,一般地说,夹带诱发裂纹运行不失安全性。
- Any of various hard, brittle, heat - resistant and corrosion - resistant materials made by shaping and then firing a nonmetallic mineral, such as clay, at a high temperature. 陶瓷一种坚硬、易碎、抗热、防腐材料,成型后在高温下烧制的一种非金属矿物,如由粘土制成
- Furnace construction materials, fire resisting materials, heater elements, heat-resisting materials, heat-insulating materials and relevant supporting elements, etc. 筑炉材料、耐火材料、加热元件、耐热绝热保温材料及相关的配套元器件等;
- Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled. 她对这个建议的抵触情绪已化为乌有了。
- The vehicle to be provided with a roof cover of fire resisting material. 车辆须有以防火材料制造之车顶。
- Each of the bulbs has a resistance of120 ohms. 每一盏灯泡有120欧姆的电阻。
- These studies provided theoretical evidence for the application of ablation resistant materials and direction for the development of new high char yield resins. 这些研究为耐烧蚀材料的应用提供了理论依据,为新一代的高残炭树脂的开发提供了方向。