- This area has been smashed badly due to an attack from the air force, the traffic still hasn't return to normal. 这个区域在空袭中遭到严重破坏,公共交通至今仍未恢复。
- Part of the genius of capitalism is its ability to adjust to disruption from within and attacks from without. 资本主义的一个好处在于它有能力从内部调整分裂,又能从外部适应攻击。
- He's recovering from an attack of flu. 他的流行性感冒快好了。
- I can never resist an ice cream. 我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。
- Download now to prevent an attacker from attempting identity spoofing using certificates. 立即下载以防止攻击者试图使用证书伪造身份标识。
- Download now to prevent an attacker from blocking the application of Group Policy within a Windows 2000 domain. 立即下载此更新,以防攻击者在Windows 2000域中阻碍组策略的应用。
- To prevent an attacker from performing hop-by-hop traceback to locate source sensor nodes,this paper proposes a strategy called BFP. 摘要 为防止外部攻击者逐跳反向追踪源节点位置,提出分支假路径策略(BFP)。
- She had an attack of indigestion yesterday. 她昨天消化不良。
- An attack of fever carried Gary off. 加里突然患了一种热病,不幸死亡。
- He never can resist an ice-cream. 看到冰洪淋,他总是想吃。
- The rumours of an attack were later confirmed. 发动攻击的谣传後来得到了证实。
- The troops were mustered for an attack. 部队被集合起来发动进攻。
- We must boldly arouse the people in the occupied areas in their tens of millions and immediately organize underground forces to prepare armed uprisings and to annihilate the enemy in co-ordination with the troops attacking from without. 必须放手发动沦陷区的千百万群众,立即组织地下军,准备武装起义,配合从外部进攻的军队,消灭敌人。
- Thus, an attack from three fronts will converge on Hitler -- such is the great historical process that will follow the Battle of Stalingrad. 这样,三条战线夹击希特勒,就将是斯大林格勒战役以后的伟大历史过程。
- He' s recovering from an attack of flu. 他的流行性感冒快好了。
- Next on the receiving end of an attack from XVIII Tank Corps was the Totenkopf's Theodor Eicke Panzergrenadier Regiment in the Psel valley. 接下来遭到第18坦克军攻击的是“骷髅”师在普色尔河谷地的“提奥多尔艾克”装甲掷弹兵团。
- Those are dangers from without, petty dangers. 那是身外的危险。
- The only way to find out if this is the case, would be to study a schizophrenic during an attack, from the astral viewpoint. 如果情形是这样,查明的唯一的方法会是,从星体躯体的角度来研究发作期间的精神分裂症。
- Mrs Tremaine, wrought up, could resist an unusual asperity. 屈里曼太太被惹上气来,忍不住尖锐地顶她一句。