- The factors affecting safety and economic operation of blowing air residual heat recovery unit are summarized based on the operating conditions in our plant and the other plants at home so as to prolong its operation and maximally dig out its potential. 结合我厂及国内吹风气余热回收装置的运行情况,对影响吹风气余热回收装置安全、济运行的因素进行总结,以求提高装置的运行周期,发挥其最大潜能。
- decentralized residual heat recovery 分散式余热回收
- Energy-saving Modification for Residual Heat Recovery From Blowing Air 吹风气余热回收的节能改造
- Discussion on Factors Affecting Safety and Economic Operation of Blowing Air Residual Heat Recovery Unit 影响吹风气余热回收装置安全经济运行的因素探讨
- residual heat recovery 余热回收
- Winding finger. Body. Without the residual heat bosom. [缠绕的手指.;身体
- residue heat recovery 余热回收
- recovery of residual heat from flue gas 烟气余热回收
- Presents two common heat recovery methods for water cooling chillers. 介绍了两种常见的水冷冷水机组热回收方式。
- Three-interknit natural circulation loops were adopted by this PRHRS to remove the residual heat of the reactor core. 该系统利用3个相互耦合回路的自然循环把停堆后的堆芯余热排出。
- A new forge residual heat isothermal normalizing technique for alloy carburizing steel is put forward. 针对合金渗碳钢锻(轧)件,研发了一种新的利用锻造余热等温正火热处理工艺。
- This paper presents a proposal of the passive residual heat removal (PRHR) system of ship-propulsion reactors. 本文提出了一种适用于船用核动力装置的非能动余热排出系统的方案设计。
- Improvements of this process will probably be tied to more efficient heat recovery arrangements. 此方法的改进看来是要致力于更有效的热量回收措施。
- Abstract: Methods and main equipment of waste heat recovery in sulphur-buring sulphuric acid plants are described. 文摘:系统阐述了硫磺制酸生产过程中的废热回收方法、主要设备和提高热回收率的措施。
- When using conventional oven, turn the heat off a few minutes before the food is cooked to make use of residual heat in cooking. 使用传统焗炉时,可于食物熟透前数分钟关掉炉火,利用馀温把食物煮熟。
- This chapter will review the types of heat recovery devices available to industry. 本章将讨论适用于工业部门的各种热回收装置。
- The qualified reinforced bar is produced by designing chemical composition and developing QTB residual heat treatment process. 介绍了英标460B钢筋的研制情况,通过成分设计和开发QTB余热处理工艺生产出合格的钢筋。
- The residual heat boiler of the full-enclosed calcium carbidefurnace has been developed in China.But the dedusting question hampers its development. 密闭电石炉余热锅炉在我国得到了较好的发展,但除尘问题不过关成为其发展的一大障碍。
- The article elaborates production principles and characteristics of s emi-water gas and necessities of rec overing residual heat from blowing gas. 阐述了半水煤气的生产原理、生产特点和吹风气余热回收的必要性,介绍了余热回收装置的工艺流程、主要设备的选型,并对整个装置进行了经济效益分析。