- When a traditional method is used to repair residual dental root with horn-shaped orifice, this kind of dental root often has to be extracted since the success rate in clinic is very low. 根管口呈喇叭形的残根用传统桩核修复时,常由于剪力集中在颈部和根尖,使得根管口薄壁不能承受较大的压力,在临床上因修复成功率较低,只能将牙根拔除。
- Treatment and restoration of residual dental root and crown in the elderly 老年患者牙齿残根、残冠的治疗和修复
- The residual dental roots of posterior theth 后牙残根
- residual dental roots and crowns 残根残冠
- An Experiment Study on Repairing Residual Dental Root with A Horn-shaped Orifice by Different Materials 不同材料修复根管口喇叭形残根的实验研究
- residual dental root 残余牙根
- Effect of 64 PFM cases supported by screw posts for the residual dental roots of posterior teeth 利用螺纹桩对64例后牙残根烤瓷修复的疗效观察
- Objective: To analyze the relation ship between Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces and dental root surface caries. 目的:分析变形链球菌和放线菌与根面龋的关系。
- Mehl A,Folwaczny M,Haffner C,Hickel R.Bactericidal effects of 2.94 microns Er:YAG-laser radiation in dental root canals[J].J Endod,1999 Jul.,25(7):490-3. 徐春蓉;甘伟国;张民众等.;脉冲YAG激光对小儿耳鼻咽喉常见病治疗效果及其作用机理的探讨[J]
- What reason is when coming up against dental root ministry every time, feeling the tooth is very acerbity? How should treat? 每次碰到牙齿根部时都感到牙齿很酸是什么原因?应该怎么治疗?
- CONCLUSIONS: DPSCs may exist in both dental root and coronal pulp, and the density of DPSCs in the root pulp may be higher than the coronal pulp. 结论:牙稳干细胞可能存在于全部牙髓之中,在根髓中比冠髓中具有更高的密度。
- Figure1 The performance of the X-ray is the destruction of the left mandible bone, and shows no dental root resorption, no bone line or periosteal reaction. 图1,患者术前曲面断层的表现,可见左下颌骨部分骨质破环,未见明显骨白线和牙根吸收、骨膜反应。
- In addition, the rate of dental root fistula resolution was 34.8% in ITG and 15.4% in DTG (P<0.05), and that of swelling incidence was 5.6% in ITG and 6.8% in DTG (P>0.05), respectively. 肿胀发生率一次程为5.;6%25;多次程为6
- Methods:Primary dental root canal was simulated with silica gel tubes, one end sealed and the other end open. The tubes were filled Zinc-Oxide-Eugenol(ZOE), Ca(OH) 2 and iodoform respectively with sterile conditions. 方法 :以一端封闭 ,另一端开放的硅胶管模拟乳牙根管 ,无菌条件下分别充填氧化锌丁香油糊剂 ,氢氧化钙糊剂和碘仿糊剂。
- Dental root canal filling pluggers 牙科用根管充填器
- Dental root canal finger pluggers 牙科用根管指状充填器
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- Dental prosthetics involving a bridge or bridges. 用齿桥补牙用一个或多个齿桥进行牙齿修复
- I had undergone a major dental operation. 我经受了一次牙科大手术。
- The gardener tore up the plant, root and all. 园丁把园中的花草树木连根全挖了出来。