- As a result of segregated residential patterns and years of white flight to private schools, public-school districts in major cities - New York, Washington, Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, among others- are disproportionately black. 由于住房分开和多年来白人的孩子纷纷到私立学校上学,纽约、华盛顿、巴尔的摩、底特律、费城和亚特兰大等大城市的公立学校多数是黑人学生。
- The Residential Patterns of the Han and the Zhuang in Urban Nanning 南宁市区汉壮民族的居住格局
- Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。
- I often go on residential summer courses. 我经常去学习必须住校的暑期课程。
- The residential districts were all plotted out. 住宅区都一块块地标划出来了。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- This is an exclusive white residential area. 这是一个纯粹的白人居住区。
- New residential districts are all plotted out. 新居住区的地块都已划定。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- They like new patterns of family life. 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式。
- He patterns himself upon his father. 他模仿父亲。
- He roughed in the curves he intended his pattern to take. 他粗略地勾出了他设想中图案的曲线。
- The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers. 窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。
- Residential Pattern and Social Contact of Settlers of the Hans and Huis in Xining City 西宁市区的居住格局与回汉族居民的社会交往
- They tapped the water main to supply the new residential quarters. 他们接通了总水管为新住宅区供水。
- An open, crisscross pattern or weave. 格子细工开放式交叉结构或编织法
- The mayor inspected the residential section of the city. 市长视察了该市的住宅区。
- So as to conform to a type, standard, or pattern. 纯粹地符合类型、标准或模式地
- Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress. 玛丽按照纸样缝制她的新衣服。
- I don't like the pattern on the fabric. 我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。