- The nerd is a sniper who hides himself in a residential community. 因为一起人质挟持事件,让所有线路捲入其中,究竟谁是狙击手?
- A residential community whose inhabitants commute to a nearby metropolis for employment and recreation. 郊外住宅区在市区内工作者的郊外住宅区
- Napa Valley Villa is a California style residential community, built in 2004 in Beijing. 北京纳帕溪谷是体现美国加州风情的别墅居住区,建成于2004年。
- A city of western California southeast of Oakland. It is a residential community with some manufacturing. Population,53, 762. 联盟城加利福尼亚西面的一个城市,在奥克兰港市的东南。是具有某些制造业的居住社区。人口53,762
- Chandler:a city of south-central arizona southeast of Phoenix. It is a residential community and winter resort. 钱德勒:美国亚利桑那州中南部一城市;位于菲尼克斯东南.;为一居住社区和冬季度假胜地
- Applicable to the residential community green decorative lighting to landscaping, parks dotted the lawn landscaping. 适用于住宅社区绿草地美化照明点缀,公园草坪美化点缀。
- This paper is an intensive research to intelligentized system of modern residential community. 本文对现代住宅小区智能系统作了一个比较深入的研究。
- A town of southwest Connecticut north of Bridgeport. It is a residential community with varied industries. Population,32,016. 康涅狄格西南布里奇波特北面的小镇,有多种工业的住宅区。人口32,016
- A town of southwest Connecticut north of Bridgeport.It is a residential community with varied industries.Population, 32, 016. 特朗布尔,约拿丹1710-1785美国政治家,曾经任康涅狄格殖民地总督,独立战争期间为大陆军提供给养及支持
- A city of south-central Arizona southeast of Phoenix. It is a residential community and winter resort. Population,90, 533. 钱德勒美国亚利桑那州中南部一城市,位于菲尼克斯东南。为一居住社区和冬季度假胜地。人口90,533
- A city of western California north-northwest of San Francisco. It is a residential community with varied light industries. Population,48, 404. 圣拉斐尔美国加利福尼亚西部一城市,位于圣弗朗西斯科西北偏北方,为有多种轻工业的住宅区。人口48,404
- A city of western California northwest of San Jose. It is a residential community with an electronics industry. Population,55, 900. 帕洛阿尔托美国加利福尼亚西部的城市,在圣何塞西北。是有电子工业的居住区。人口55,900
- Quechee is the home of Quechee Gorge State Park, a major tourist destination, and includes a large planned residential community and resort. 魁区是魁区峡谷的州立公园,主要的游客目的地,并且还包括一个大的社区居住与计画中的度假名胜。
- The shelters will be located in the heart of residential communities. 这些庇护所将在居民区的中心地带设立。
- A town of southwest Connecticut north of Bridgeport. It is a residential community with varied industries. Population,32, 016. 特朗布尔,约拿丹1710-1785美国政治家,曾经任康涅狄格殖民地总督,独立战争期间为大陆军提供给养及支持
- A town of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound. First settled in1645, it is a residential community and summer resort. Population,24, 410. 韦斯特波特美国康涅狄格州西南部一城镇,位于长岛海峡岸边。最初建于1654年,是住宅区和避暑胜地。人口24,410
- A city of west-central Washington on Lake Washington northeast of Seattle. It is a residential community with some light industry. Population, 40,052. 柯克兰:华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于华盛顿湖边西雅图东北,它是一个带有若干轻工业的居民社区。人口40,052
- ABSTRACT: The construction of waterscape is one of the important contents of environmental construction of the urban residential community. 摘要:住区水景建设是城市人居环境建设的重要内容之一。
- A city of southern California north of Anaheim. It is a residential community with varied light industries. Population, 32,873. 贝瑞阿:美国加利福尼亚州南部一城市,位于阿拉罕以北。是一个拥有各种轻工业的住宅区。人口32,873
- Also, it tests the sciential quality of this index system of human settlements quality of residential community after the analysis of the result. 最后,将该评价指标体系用于对西安的一个住宅小区房地产项目的评价当中,并对评价的结果进行了分析,由此检验了评价指标体系的科学性。