- residential building permits 居住用建筑许可数
- Their residential building is located next to the park. 他们的住宅大楼坐落于公园旁。
- She needs a building permit for her girdle. 你妈妈胖到连她的腰带都要建筑执照。
- Multi-Storey Residential Building with Light Steel. 轻钢多层住宅。
- Swire here is a large class residential building. 这里的一号楼是太古洋行大班住宅。
- The building permits are granted by the City Building Department. 建筑许可证由城建局签发。
- Capital spending by industry just pokes along. Ditto residential building. 工业资本开支缓慢增加,住房建筑也是这样。
- Discover the suspect cries in " QQ life house " inside residential building. 发现嫌疑人在一个叫“QQ生活馆”的住宅楼内。
- The sample of building permits is larger and therefore, statistically satisfying. 建筑许可数的样本比较大,所以统计数据更令人满意。
- In the first three months of 2008 Vail issued building permits worth $19.8m in new development. 2008年前三个月Vail批准了1980万美元的建筑许可。
- Israeli authorities say the dwellings, which largely went up without building permits, are illegal construction. 以色列当局说,这些住宅多数都是没有建筑许可就建造的,属非法建筑。
- Over the platform are two of thirty level residential buildings. 平台上为两幢三十层的住宅。
- Buildings, residential buildings property management services. 公司简介:办公楼,住宅楼的物业管理,服务。
- Greening areas would be added around residential buildings. 此外,同学亦建议于区内的楼宇种植更树木,绿化环境。
- CAD traders await a batch of figures on Mar building permits (exp +2.5% from -16.0%), Mar Ivey PMI (exp 40.5, prev 43.2). 加元的投资者在等待一系列数据的出炉,包括3月建筑许可(预期值+2.;5%25,前值-16
- Though building permits are easily obtained, financing can sometimes be tricky, as appraisers in some areas are still unfamiliar with earth homes. 尽管建筑许可很容易获得,但融资有时就会很棘手,部分地区的一些评估人员对地球房屋仍很陌生。
- Concerned Factor of Light Steel Construction Residential Building System and Its Design Proposal. 轻钢结构住宅建筑体系涉及因素及其设计建议。
- But Palestinians say they cannot get building permits and that Israel is trying to drive Arab residents out of Jerusalem. 但是巴勒斯坦人说,他们拿不到建筑许可,而且以色列正企图把阿拉伯裔的居民赶出耶路撒冷。
- IDF spokesman said Rajan 4 storey residential building which is also a war arsenal and command post. IDF发言人称,拉扬所在4层住宅大楼同时也是一个武器库和战事指挥所。
- First to be targeted were old residential buildings and squatter areas. 海星行动第一个目标是旧式住宅楼宇和寮屋区。