- reservoir region management 库区管理
- After builded of Sanmenxia Reservoir, Tongguan is in the reservoir region. 三门峡水库修建后,潼关处于水库库区,河床淤积抬高。
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Changes in Land Cover in the Three-Gorges Reservoir Region. 三峡库区土地覆被动态变化遥感分析。
- While the PEBI method was used for reservoir region,the geometry of complex reservoir could be well approximated. 混合PEBI网格具有计算效率高、稳定性好、运用灵活等特点,能适应精细油藏数值模拟的需要。
- The ecological fragility of the Three-Gorges Reservoir Region makes it of particular significance to conserve biodiversity in the region. 三峡库区是一生态系统的脆弱区,其生物多样性保护有着特殊的意义。
- Water Law assigns that the State shall implement river basin management system in coordination with administrative region management. 水法规定:国家对水资源实行流域管理与行政区域管理相结合的管理体制。
- The improvement engineering of landslide (deformation slope) is important in the geological hazard control in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. 水库滑坡(变形体)防治工程研究是三峡库区地质灾害防治工作的重心和难点问题。
- Objective To explore main plague hosts,vectors,and plague status in Pinban Reservoir region and provide basis for decision-making for the control. 目的查明平班水电站贵州库区沿岸主要宿主动物和蚤类,了解鼠疫疫源状况,为预防控制鼠疫提供依据。
- Therefore, it is necessary to improve the regional management mode of TBNA. 因此,滨海新区的发展需要改进区域管理模式。
- ZHANG Jia-gui.Study on deformation mechanism of marlite and geologic hazard inthe Three Gorges reservoir region[M].Beijing:Geological Publishing House,2005:50-70. [2]张加桂.;三峡库区泥灰质岩石的变形机理及地质灾害危险性研究[M]
- Waldrep, a regional manager for a national company. 沃尔德雷普先生说,他是一家全国性大公司的地区经理。
- From the aspects of planning,utilization,conservation and deployment of water resources,the authors also analyzed the content of WMI based on conjunctive river basin management and region management. 从水资源规划、开发、利用、保护和配置方面,分析了流域管理与区域管理相结合的水资源管理模式的内涵。
- In addition, the article shows the possible site which maybe generate induced earthquake according to fault activity and the site where faults pass in reservoir region, reservoir depth and rock hardness etc. 另外,从库区断层活动性及断裂所通过的位置、库水深度及岩石坚硬程度等方面,分析出可能产生诱发该水库地震的位置。
- Considering natural and social characteristics, the ecological restoration of water and soil conservation is proposed for rivers, reservoir entrance and reservoir region to purify water and ensure sustainable development of water supply. 结合水库水源地的自然、社会特点,提出对保护区内涧河、入库口门、库区等处及水土保持生态修复的设想,使水体水质得到净化,进而保证水库供水的可持续发展。
- Each Regional Manager takes care of his own territory. 每个地区经理负责自己的地区。
- DEM is used to analyze the evolvement course of the excavation deformation of a road bedding lithologic slope in the Three Gorges reservoir region, and to simulate the effect of control project. 本文利用离散单元方法 ( DEM)分析了三峡水库某公路顺层岩质边坡开挖变形破坏机制及其演变过程 ,并对工程治理效果进行模拟研究。
- Section leaders are accountable to the regional managers. 科室经理对地区经理负责。
- MSW regional management has to face such issues as the reform of management system, conflicts of interests within the region, the scarce optimal management means and so on. 摘要生活垃圾区域管理面临的问题主要有:管理体制改革面临的问题;区域内的利益冲突;优化管理的手段较为匮乏等。
- The expansive soil, the same as the others in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, develops in the special geo-environment and with the Diluvial-to-Pluvial genesis and relatively uniform structure. 秭归县膨胀土与三峡其他地方的膨胀土一样发育于特殊的地质环境内,具有坡洪积成因和较均一土体结构。
- Abstract: Regional Management Information System(RMIS) gives service to regional planning, management and decision-making. 中文摘要: 区域管理信息系统是为区域规划、管理和决策服务的。