- Objective To probe into the effect of problem based learning (PBL) teaching model on the learning mode of nursing students. 目的探索开展问题式学习教学模式对护生学习方式的影响。
- A Trial on Research Based Learning Implemented in Chemistry Teaching at Middle Schools 中学化学教学中实施研究性学习的尝试
- research based learning 研究性学习
- Abstract The Resource based Learning (RBL) is a kind of study mode with the purpose of cultivating students’ information literacy. 资源型学习(RBL)是一种以培养学生信息素养为主要目的的学习方式。
- "Learning mode" that you introduced - it's a SandBox mode. 你所说的学习模式,是一种沙盘模式。
- Methods The problem based learning (PBL) was used during the ICU nursing ward round and compared with conventional ward round mode. 方法采用以问题为基础的学习方法(PBL)进行护理查房,并与传统查房模式相比较。
- Nikos Drakos, Computer BASEd Learning Unit, UniversITy of Leeds. 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2005-11-26
- The Henley Executive full Time MBA, after extensive research, has been completely re-engineered to deliver a challenging and action based learning programme. 亨利执行的全日制MBA,经过广泛的研究,已经完全重新设计,以提供一个具有挑战性和行动为基础的学习方案。
- In the introduction, I clarify the research base and the route of the thesis. 在绪论中,我阐明了本篇论文的研究基础及研究思路。
- Angus Deaton says the bank needs a research base ability to learn from its projects and policies, without that, he said, it can not remain the world's leading development agency. 安格斯迪顿说,银行应该有研究自身项目和政策的基本能力,否则就不能成为世界级的发展领导机关。
- This paper brings out research based on the background of building of ASEA laboratory and promotion of ASEA. 本文正是在建设ASEA实验室大背景下,针对自动化系统工程师的资格认证工作而开展研究的。
- This program has been approved by UBI to be offered through purely distance learning mode by NetAcademy Malaysia. 此课程获联合商学院批准由马来西亚网上学府以纯遥距方式开办。
- This program has been approved by BBI to be offered through purely distance learning mode by NetAcademy Malaysia. 此课程获布鲁赛尔商学院批准由马来西亚网上学府以纯遥距方式开办。
- Development of research based knowledge that relates to clinical issues, interventions and outcomes. 基于有关临床问题、干预和结果的知识研究发展。
- Learning mode: visual learner, auditory learner, tactile/kinaesthetic learner. 视觉、听觉、体觉得学习型态。
- We are an interdisciplinary center for art, media technology and academic research based in Shanghai. 一家跨艺术、设计、学术以及新媒体技术领域的非营利型独立研究开发机构。
- DRGs need lots of cases ,so the research based on Malignant tumor because it has plenty of cases. 由于搜集到的数据有限,本次DRGs病例分组研究仅以样本量最大的恶性肿瘤为例。
- This article points out that the application of PBL learning mode helps to improve practical writing teaching quality in vocational schools. 摘要本文指出PBL学习模式的应用,有助于提高职校应用文写作教学质量。
- With converse thinking,reverse research based on axonometric projection is brought forward. 运用逆向思维,提出基于正轴测投影图的反求研究。
- Research based on opinion polls documents the differences between middle-class and working-class attitudes. 基于民意调查的研究证明中产阶级与劳工阶层看法存在差异。