- It is therefore very significant to hackle the questions and ideas put forward in the research of contemporariness of Marxist philosophy, summarize the successful and weak points of the discussion and explore the ways for further research. 从总体上梳理马克思哲学当代性研究中提出的问题和观点,总结讨论的得失,探讨深化研究的路径,具有重要意义。
- Several Basic Work on the Research of Marxist Philosophy 马克思主义哲学研究的若干基础性工作
- Transcend the separation between technicality and reality--Thinking about how to deepen the research of Marxist philosophy 超越学术性与现实性的对立--关于深化马克思主义哲学研究的几点思考
- Currently, there are four kinds of different forms of Marxist philosophy living in the theorist research words. 当前活跃在理论界研究话语中有四种不同形态的马克思主义哲学。
- research of Marxist philosophy 马克思主义哲学研究
- The philosophy world has a variety of understandings of Marxist philosophy. 摘要哲学界存在着对马克思主义哲学的各式各样的理解。
- The practice conception is the core and basic concept of Marxist philosophy. 摘要实践概念是马克思主义哲学的核心和基础性概念。
- Materialist conception of history is the core of Marxist philosophy. 唯物史观是马克思主义哲学的核心所在。
- The central doctrines of Marxist Philosophy are called dialectical materialism and historical materialism. 马克思主义哲学的主要学说被称为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义。
- How Does the Research of Marxist Ethics in the New Era "Return to Marx"? 新时期的马克思主义伦理学研究如何"回到马克思"?
- The reformation of Marxist philosophy teaching received tiny effects in more decades. 摘要十多年的马克思主义哲学教学改革收效甚微。
- Praxis philosophy of Gramsci is the deepening and development of Marxist philosophy. 摘要葛兰西的实践哲学是对马克思主义哲学思想的深入和发展。
- The interpretation of the modern significance of Marxist philosophy is a great challenge to us. 马克思哲学之当代意义的阐明是我们所面临的一项重大任务。
- The theoretical innovation of Marxist philosophy in China involves innovation in form and content. 中国化马克思主义哲学的理论创新包括内容和形式的双重创新。
- The contemporariness of Marxist philosophy has been a hot issue in academic circles in recent years. 摘要马克思哲学当代性是近年来学术界讨论的热点问题。
- This paper expounds this interpretation of Engels in order to have a new interpretation of the nature of Marxist philosophy. 本文试图通过对恩格斯的解释路线进行的深入反省,从而对马克思哲学的本质作新的说明。
- System philosophy is not only the natural ally of Marxist philosophy,but also greatly enriches and develops Marxist philosophy. 系统哲学不仅是马克思主义哲学的天然盟友 ,而且它极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义哲学。
- This actually philosophically inquires the evolution of Marxist Philosophy as well as preluding the elucidation of Chinese Marxist Philosophy. 为马克思哲学观的演变作哲学史意义上的追述,为中国马克思主义哲学观的阐述作前提性的说明。
- The spirit production is one of Marxist philosophy core categories, is one offundamental modes which the human society produces. 精神生产是马克思主义哲学的核心范畴之一,是人类社会生产的基本形式之一。
- Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory. 列宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。