- All schools already have the network and 70 per cent of the minimum required number of computers*. 所有学校已装妥网络并设置了最低规定数量七成的电脑*。
- Methods navigate down and up the navigation stack, respectively, by the required number of entries. 方法根据所需的项数在导航堆栈中向上和向下定位。
- After this period, you will need to purchase the required number of SMS 2003 R2 licenses to continue using the product. 此期限后,您需要购买要求的 SMS 2003 许可证号码,从而继续使用该产品。
- A team with less than the required number of competitors will forfeit the match (Kiken). 团体队少于规定的选手出场,将丧失比赛(弃权)。
- It is wise to submit more than the required number of signatures, in case some signatures prove invalid. 阁下最好提供比要求数目更多的签名,以防其中有的签名被验证为无效。
- Prior to completion and acceptance of works, required number of copies of documents shall be prepared in advance and signed completely. 在竣工验收之前,根据规定需提交的资料份数,提前整理好桩基施工的成套资料,所有必须签署姓名的地方不得遗漏。
- The Supplier is responsible for all aspects necessary to manufacture, inspect, and pack for export the required number of sleeves within his extent of supply. 供应商负责在供应范围内对所需数量的出口套管有关的制造、检验、包装等方面一切事宜。
- Two rivals stand opposite each other and feint, lunge, parry and riposte until one scores the required number of hits to win. 两名对手相对而立,运用做假动作,冲刺,防守和反击等战术,谁率先获得规定点数,谁就获胜。
- Fill the scoop lightly and level with a knife, avoid compacting the formula.Add the required number of level scoops of powder. 5. 再在奶瓶里加入一勺奶粉(使用配备的奶粉勺),盖好盖子摇晃奶瓶使奶粉充分溶解;
- Then in accordance with what is written, they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles with the required number of burnt offerings prescribed for each day. 又照律法书上所写的守住棚节,按数照例献每日所当献的燔祭。
- Piling by number of sheets is adding customer value by making customized stacks to ship required number of sheets directly to customer. 按张数堆垛可实现按客户需求的发运量包装,从而增加客户的购买价值。
- After completing the required number of steps backward, the horse should show a square halt or move forward in the required pace immediately. 按照要求在完成几步的后退之后,马匹应当方正的立定不动,或立刻以规定的步伐向前。
- Fill the scoop lightly and level with a knife, avoid compacting the formula. Add the required number of level scoops of powder. 轻轻装满勺子,用小刀抹平,不要压紧奶粉。加入所需的勺数。
- Printers recognize the form-feed character and automatically advance the print head by the required number of lines necessary to begin the next line of data on a new page. 打印机会识别换页符并自动根据在新的页开始新行所需的行数移动打印头。
- Serial to parallel converter A device that converts the sequential input from a serial transmission device and passes it on via the required number of parallel lines. 串联转并联变流器从串联传送装置的顺序输入转為所需的并联线数,然后传送的装置。
- As each member of the Election Committee could only nominate one candidate, a ceiling could be imposed on the required number of subscribers for each candidate. 既然每个选举委员会委员只可以提名一名候选人,可以为候选人所需获得的提名数目设一个上限。
- Reinback series (Schaukel) is a combination of two rein backs with walk steps in between. It should be executed with fluent transitions and the required number of steps. 反覆后退是指在两次后退的动作中间做慢步的动作。所有的移行应该要流畅,步数也要按照要求。
- For a given period of transmission spectrum of a biconical fiber, the required number of oscillations is decreased when the fusion temperature is increased. 为获得一定的透过谱周期,所需的振荡次数随熔烧温度的升高而减小。
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- Notice that the copy dialog in Figure 24-5 also has a Cancel button. Ostensibly, this satisfies requirement number four, that there be a way to cancel the operation. 注意图24-5中的复制对话框还有一个取消按钮,表面上这可以满足第4个要求,即一定要有取消操作。