- Saatchi's office in Beijing didn't respond to a request for comment. 盛世北京办事处没有回复记者提出的置评请求。
- CVRD didn't respond to requests for comment. CVRD没有对评论请求做出回复。
- Bailly, who is retired, did not respond to a request for comment made through the Pensacola Police Department. 现已退休的贝利,没有对彭沙科拉警察厅的评论请求作出任何反应。
- Messrs. Diamond and Klein didn't respond to requests for comment. 戴蒙德和克莱恩没有回应置评请求。
- A lawyer for Mr. Dwek didn't respond to requests for comment. 德鲁克的律师没有回复记者的置评要求。
- These ports are registered and defined in RFC (Request for Comment) 1700 which can be found on the Internet. 这些端口都是按RFC1700登记和定义的。RFC(请求评语)1700可在Internet上找到。
- For more information about non referral-enabled IMAP clients, see Request for Comments (RFC) 2221 and RFC 2193. 有关未启用引用的IMAP客户端的详细信息,请参阅RFC 2221和RFC 2193。
- RFC is an acronym for Request for Comments and official documents from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with an unlimited distribution. RFC是RequestforComments首字母的缩写,它是IETF(互联网工程任务推进组织)的一个无限制分发文档。
- China's Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment late Tuesday. 中国外交部对周二下午提交上去的就此事作出评论的传真请求并没有立即的作出回应。
- The major benefit to using CDO_OnArrival is that the CDO message object interface has many useful methods, such as the parsing of MIME and Request for Comments (RFC) 822 headers. 使用CDO_OnArrival的主要好处是CD0邮件对象接口具有许多有用的方法,例如,能够分析MIME头和Request for Comments(RFC)822头。
- The 46-year-old Mr.Weadock, who started his new job this month, didn't respond to requests for comment. 现年46岁的威多克本月开始新的工作,他没有回复记者的置评请求。
- Her request for a donation met with a repulse. 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
- Her kind words led up to a request for money. 她的好话为要钱的事打开了门路。
- One Huahai customer, Kraemer & Martin GmbH in Germany, declined to comment on its relationship with the company, while another prospective partner didn't reply to a request for comment. 华海药业的客户之一德国Kraemer&MartinGmbH对与该公司的关系不予置评,另一家潜在业务伙伴没有回复记者的置评请求。
- My kind words led up to a request for money. 我说了许多好话才使我借到钱。
- The Prime Minister was not available for comment. 首相无暇作出评论。
- A request for information from another system. 为查看另一系统中的信息而发出的一种请求。
- Two weeks later, Mr. Buffett rebuffed the request from Lehman's Mr. Fuld. Mr. Fuld didn't respond to requests for comment. 两周后,巴菲特拒绝了福尔德的注资请求。福尔德没有回复记者的置评要求。
- He waylaid me with a request for a loan. 他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱。
- Neither Mr.Blankfein nor Mr.Trott, the Goldman banker who reached out to Mr.Buffett, responded to requests for comment. 布兰克费恩和特洛特均未回复要求置评的电话。