- I had to reprogram myself to see the good in me. 因为有些人不爱我并不代表我不可爱。
- These computers can reprogram themselves. 这些电脑可以自动重编程序。
- None of these procedures reprogram the device. 没有这些程序编程器。
- Coke vending machines now take very little effort to reprogram. 如今,改编可乐售货机的程序几乎不用费什么力气。
- If your ICD malfunctions, your doctor may be able to reprogram it. 如果患者的ICD出现故障,医生可能会对它重新调整。
- Our ability to understand and even reprogram the brain is also accelerating. 我们对脑部的了解,甚至重设其程式的能力,也突飞猛进。
- Anyone know how to reprogram the keyless entry controller on a 98' JETTA? 任何知道如何重新编制的遥控开锁控制在98'捷达?
- The aim this year was to reprogram cells to work cooperatively to form patterns, such as polka dots, in a petri dish. 今年度的目标是改造细胞的基因,使它们彼此合作,在培养皿上形成一些小圆点之类的特殊图案。
- Then intend to reprogram the mineral with us into a supportive energy flow that is conducive to you and your ascension. 然后意愿和我们一起重新编程这块矿石,让它变成一个对你和你提升有益的支持能量流。
- In the intention to alter the music, one reprograms one's bones with a new scores and melody lines. 在意愿改变音乐中,你就用一支新乐谱和新旋律重新编程你的骨骼。
- Scientists have long hoped to find a way to reprogram a patient's cells to produce new ones. 很久以来,科学家们希望找到利用重组患者自体细胞来产生新细胞的方法。
- Doctors can reprogram ICDs or prescribe medicines so the pulses occur less often. 不过医生可以重新调整ICD或者让患者服用一些药物来降低ICD放电的频度。
- One intends to re-pattern and reprogram the bones (one's own minerals) into the new music. 那就是意愿重新模式化及重新编程你的骨骼(你自己的矿石)到新音乐之中。
- It reprograms the adult cell's chromosomes, bringing them back to the state they were in just after the egg was fertilized. 它重组成人细胞的染色体,使它们回到刚刚成为受精卵的状态。
- Our ability to reprogram biology will dramatically increase it again, but this progression will be much faster. 我们取得重新编写生物程式的能力后,将再度大幅增加这个数字,而且增加的速度会变得更快。
- "We may need two types of chemicals, one to loosen the chromatin structure, and one to reprogram. 她说:“我们也许需要两种类型的化学物质,一种疏松染色质结构;
- In nearly all cases, engineers managed to reprogram software to overcome or work around the setbacks. 在所有的情况中,工程师们试图重新编写软件以克服遇到的挫折。
- One will reprogram one's own field to collect chi in synchronization with the in-breath and out-breath in so doing. 在这种活动中一个人可以每两步一吸气,每两步一呼气。
- The motor neurons were created using a new technique that reprograms human adult skin cells into cells that resemble embryonic stem (ES) cells. 这种运动神经元是通过采用一项新技术将成人皮肤细胞重组为类似于胚胎干细胞后得到的。
- One of the most powerful tools to use against this ingrained negativity is to reprogram our thought patterns. 要对付这种根深蒂固的消极性最为有效的利器之一是重新改造思维模式。