- The actor had to wear a doublet in the play. 在这个剧中这个演员要穿紧身上衣。
- The doublet looks like genuine precious stone. 这仿宝石看上去像真宝石。
- The tiger is a representative of the cat family. 老虎是猫科动物的典型。
- "Fashion" is a doublet of "faction". "Fashion"和"faction"是同源词。
- Mary is a workers' representative on the Board. 玛丽是理事会的工人代表。
- She is the club's representative at the convention. 她是该俱乐部派来参加会议的代表。
- They elected Tom as their representative. 他们选举汤姆作为他们的代表。
- In the times of the Tudors, a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff. 在都铎王朝时期,男人穿紧身上衣和紧身短裤,脖子上戴宽而硬的轮状皱领。
- representative doublet 典型偶极子
- She is the local representative for a British tour operator. 她是一位英国旅游经营者的当地代表。
- Water is the natural source. Water Resource repr... 水,是自然之源。水源,代表了生命、纯净和活力。希望水...
- The actor have to wear a doublet in the play. 在剧中演员要穿紧身上衣。
- Taxpayer: The ABC representative office locating in china. 纳税人:美国ABC公司北京代表处。
- Proton and neutron form a charge doublet. 质子和中子构成电荷双重态。
- He seemed to have constituted himself our representative. 他俨然自封为我们的代表。
- That representative brought forth an amendment to the press law. 那位代表提出了一项对新闻法的修正案。
- You will is lucky to have doublet in this game. 在这个游戏中掷出同点骰子是好运气。
- You will be lucky to have doublet in this game. 在这个游戏中掷出同点骰子是好运气。
- I suggest(that) we establish Mr. Jeffrey as our representative. 我建议委派杰弗里先生为我们的代表。
- A garment formerly worn by men under a doublet. 背心以前男人穿在紧身衣里面的衣服