- End date and time for the reporting interval in UTC. 报告间隔的结束日期和时间,使用UTC表示。
- Ending date and time for the reporting interval in UTC. 报告间隔的结束日期和时间,使用UTC时间表示。
- Start date and time for the reporting interval in UTC. 报告间隔的开始日期和时间,使用UTC表示。
- Starting date and time for the reporting interval in UTC. 报告间隔的开始日期和时间,使用UTC时间表示。
- Is the number of generator quanta in each reporting interval. 在每个报告间隔中的生成器量程数。
- The report uses default values, which specifies to show all data for the past month using a reporting interval of 60 minutes. 该报表使用默认值,这表明使用60分钟的报告间隔显示上个月的所有数据。
- Number of notification batches delivered during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔期间传递的通知批数。
- Number of scheduled subscriptions processed during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔期间处理的计划订阅数。
- The event is generated once per reporting interval for each of the blocked tasks. 每个报告间隔中,为每个阻塞的任务生成一次事件。
- For the notification class, the number of notification batches generated during the reporting interval. 对于通知类,表示在报告间隔期间生成的通知批数。
- Interval is int and has a default value of 60, which indicates 60 minutes per reporting interval. interval的数据类型为int,默认值为60,指明每个报告间隔为60分钟。
- Number of notification batches in the process of being created by the generator during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔内,正在由生成器创建的进程中的通知批数。
- Number of notification batches waiting to be picked up by the distributor during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔内,等待分发服务器拾取的通知批数。
- Number of notification deliveries attempted on the delivery channel during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔期间在传递通道上尝试的通知传递数。
- Number of notification delivery attempts that failed on the delivery channel during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔期间在传递通道上失败的通知传递尝试数。
- I was frantic to finish the report on schedule. 我十万火急地要按预定时间完成报告。
- Number of notifications successfully sent on the delivery channel during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔期间在传递通道上成功发送的通知数。
- He claimed that the newspaper report was a libel. 他声称报纸上的报导是一种诽谤。
- Number of notifications that failed delivery and were marked as expired during the reporting interval. 报告间隔内传递失败并标记为已过期的通知数。
- Number of subscriptions modified in the application during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔内在应用程序中修改的订阅数。