- That is to say you use artificial method to repeat dial, the hope is achieved repeat computational time, unallowed is here. 也就是说你采用人工方法去重复拨打,希望达到重复计算次数,在我们这里是不允许的。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。
- He made a resolution never to repeat the act. 他决心不再采取那种行动。
- Or you can say history repeat itself. 或者说也可以说,历史经常重演。
- I must have dial the wrong number. 我一定是拨错电话号码了。
- Be there a direct- dial phone in the room? 这房间里有直拨电话吗?
- They made me repeat/I was made to repeat the story. 他们逼我又把那事讲了一遍。
- I dial the right number, but nobody answer. 电话号码我倒拨对了,可没人接。
- The clock dial is illuminated at night. 那只钟面是夜光的。
- History repeat itself; historian repeat each other. 历史会重演; 历史学家则彼此重复地讲别人讲过的事情。
- Can you read the number on the dial? 你能读出刻度盘上的读数吗?
- The teacher asked him to repeat what he had said. 老师要他重复他所讲的话。
- Mary could repeat many poems from memory. 玛丽能背诵许多诗歌。
- It is embarrassing to repeat what he said. 若要重复他说过的话,会很尴尬的。
- Please repeat the following sentence after me. 请跟我朗读下面这句子。
- The naughty boy had to repeat the fifth grade. 这个顽皮的男孩不得不重读五年级。
- The dial records showed a very slight variation in pressure. 刻度盘显示出压力有极微小的变化。
- I repeat that we cannot undertake the task. 我再说一遍,我们不能承担这项任务。
- What does the scale, dial, gauge, etc read? 刻度尺、 刻度盘、 量规等显示的读数是多少?
- I repeat: the runway is not clear for take-off. 我再说一遍: 跑道尚未畅通,不能起飞。