- renewed by technique 技术改造
- The oil is good for caring of scarfs, the cells get renewed by this oil. 加速调节细胞的新陈代谢,使干燥的肌肤恢复弹性。野生薰衣草精油对身心都有抚慰调节的作用。
- Study on the Practice and Law of Buying a Share by Technique II. 技术入股实务与法律研究2。
- The veil of age has passed away. Your body shall be renewed by my strength now, for as long as you serve me. 衰老的假象已经不再。你的身体现在被我的力量重生,而且只要你还为我工作,你的身体会一直这样。
- The pipelines and additional facilities behind the outlets shall be maintained and renewed by the users. 燃气计量表出口后的管道及其附属设施,由用户负责维护和更新。
- IATF assures that the certificates to be renewed by a re-audit activity will remain valid for 120 days at best. IATF确保:针对应进行重审的企业,为保证重审的进行,特许延长其证书的有效期最多120天。
- Under Tiberius the Druids were suppressed by a decree of the Senate, but this had to be renewed by Claudius in 54 CE. 在台比留(公元我世纪的罗马皇帝)统治期间,德鲁伊教受到元老院的法令镇压,但在公元54年的克劳迪亚斯期间却得到复兴。
- God's world is ever renewed by death, a Titan's ever crushed by its own existence. 上帝的世界永远经由死亡而重生;巨魔的世界却总被自身的存在击跨.
- In this scheme,several dealers can commonly maintain the secret and the secret can be dynamically renewed by any dealer. 在该方案中,多个秘密分发者可以共同维护秘密信息,并且任一分发者可以动态地更新秘密信息。
- DK800 float-type flowmeter is manufactured by technique and equipment of KROHNE. DK800系列玻璃转子流量计是引进德国KROHNE公司专有技术和设备制造的产品。
- Methods:Diaplasis by technique and splint,traction with hose,according to cure of three phases. 方法:经手法复位,夹板固定,袜套悬吊牵引,按骨折3期辨证治疗。
- This article introduces the KDD activity the request that launch and puts great emphasis on its characteristic and value by technique processing. 摘要介绍了数据库知识发现(KDD)活动的展开要求,著重从它的技术处理流程来分析它的特性及其存在价值与意义。
- Risks in stock exchange online,resolved by technique progress in the future,usually have something to do with unperfected network technique. 网络证券交易存在的风险往往与网络技术不完善有关,最终要靠技术进步来解决,网络证券交易技术风险承担的制度设计应具有鼓励技术创新的功能。
- Designing for panel furniture of particleboard belongs to the category of modern industry design instructed by technique aesthetics. 板式刨花板家具的设计属于现代工业设计的范畴,它以技术美学的理论为指导。
- That this vision was stillborn only adds to its allure: as an incomplete experiment, it potentially could be renewed by future generations. 这一构想是死胎只会增加它的魅力:作为一个完整的实验,它可能可以延续到子孙后代。
- Restricted by technique and means, there are some artificiality and localization in various original geological information and worked result gained from the exploration. 摘要由于技术手段的限制,勘探中获得的各种原始地质信息及经过处理的探测成果等,均存在一定的局限性或人为性。
- As the existent system is renewed by use of DSW-01 water level meter and related techniques,thus it is running normally now. 用DSW-01型精密数字水位仪及相关技术对原系统进行了更新改造,从而保证了该系统的正常运行。
- The knowledge structure of surgeons of traumatology is renewed by conducting systematic multi-level and multi-perspective training. 通过开展系统性的多角度、多层次的业务学习,以更新创伤外科医生的知识结构;
- Epimedium koreanum is a typical species of perennial herbaceous rhizome plant.Its natural population is mainly renewed by vegetative propagation of rhizomes. 摘要对长白山不同生境中朝鲜淫羊藿种群无性系构型、根茎生长及其生物量的变化进行了研究。
- The contract of crocked Brazilian striker Ronaldo has not been renewed by Milan, as the club wants to wait and see if El Fenomeno recovers fully from injury. 米兰依然没有与巴西球星罗纳尔多续约,因为俱乐部还想等待观察外星人能否从伤病中彻底恢复。