- Here's a foreign currency registration certificate. 这是外币登记证。
- Every person carrying on business in Hong Kong must register his her business with the Business Registration Office and pay the annual fee to renew the business registration certificate. 所有在本港经营业务的商号均须在本局商业登记署办理登记手续及缴纳年费以换领商业登记证。
- Here is a foreign currency registration certificate. 这是外币登记证。
- Please attach photocopy of business registration certificate. 请附上商业登记证副本。
- Forging or modifying the vessel registration certificate. (三)伪造、涂改船舶登记证书的。
- This is my registration certificate and this is the tuition payment receipt. 这是我的注册证明,这是学费缴付收据。
- Please send in your cheque with the business registration certificate. 请把商业登记证连同支票邮寄回本局。
- This is my registration certificate and this is the tuition payment receipt. 这是我的注册证明,这是学费缴付收据。
- Copy of Incorporation Registration Certificate with applicant's company chop. 申请人的法人营业执照(复印件加盖法人公章);
- The Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund is financed by an annual levy of $250 on each business registration certificate. 破产欠薪保障基金的资金,来自向每张商业登记证每年收取的250元征款。
- A receipted duplicate Business Registration Certificate will be posted to your business address soon afterwards. 本局很快便会将一份已收费的商业登记证复本寄往你的业务地址。
- Need I go to the State Tax Bureau to apply for another Tax Registration Certificate? 纳税人:好的,谢谢!我还要去国税办理税务登记证吗?
- Nice, thanks! Need I go to the State Tax Bureau to apply for another Tax Registration Certificate? 好的,谢谢!我还要去国税办理税务登记证吗?
- The term of validity for the registration certificate of medical devices is four years. 医疗器械产品注册证书有效期四年。
- Please enclose the copies of necessary documents including constitution, registration certificate, and publications. 请附上一些必需文件的复印件:包括机构章程、注册证明和有关出版物。
- Upon payment, the demand note will become avalid Business Registration Certificate. 经付款后,该缴款通知书便会成为有效的商业登记证。
- Your latest Income Tax Demand Note or Company Business Registration Certificate and the latest Tax Return. 阁下最近之薪俸税单或公司商业登记证及最近之税单。
- Photocopy of Business Registration Certificate and/or Certificate of Incorporation. (Applicable to company owned vessel. 商业登记证及/或公司注册证书影印本。?适用于由公司所拥有的船只。
- The motor vehicle owner shall submit the identity certificate and the motor vehicle registration certificate. 机动车所有人应当提交身份证明、机动车登记证书。
- No tax registration certificate may be lent, altered, damaged, traded or forged. 税务登记证件不得转借、涂改、损毁、买卖或者伪造。