- The renal tubules show varying degrees of vacuolar degeneration, necrosis and cast formation. 肾小管呈现空泡变、坏死及管型形成。
- The renal tubules showed varying degrees of vacuolar degeneration,necrosis and cast formation. 肾小管病变有空泡变、坏死及管型形成。
- The function of AAP in kidney may related to the secretion and reabsorption of renal tubules and collecting tubules. 肾内AAP可能与肾小管和集合小管的分泌和重吸收功能有关。
- These renal tubules contain large amounts of hemosiderin, as demonstrated by an iron stain. 图示肾小管内含有大量含铁血黄素颗粒。
- Numerous PMN's are seen filling renal tubules across the center and right of this picture. 图中部和右侧的肾小管中充满大量中性粒细胞。
- Granular degeneration and coagulation appeared in epithelia of renal tubules in kidney. 肾小管上皮细胞颗粒变性和散在凝固性坏死;
- Phe also abated pathological changes of hepatic chondriosomes hepatocyte,hepatic lobules,alveoli,segmental bronchi and convoluted renal tubules. 对内毒素大鼠肝线粒体以及肝细胞、肝小叶结构、肺泡、肺间质、肺支气管、肾曲管细胞等损害具保护作用。
- Objective:To examine the effect of mercuric chloride toxicosis on enzyme cytochemistry of renal tubules epithelil cells in rats. 目的:检测氯化汞中毒对肾小管上皮细胞酶化学的影响。
- Here is a glomerulus with thickened pink capillary loops, the so-called "wire loops", in a patient with lupus nephritis. The surrounding renal tubules are unremarkable. 图示狼疮性肾炎病人肾小球;可见粉红色浓集的毛细血管袢;所谓“电线袢”;周围的肾小管不明显.
- In addition, the degeneration and necrosis of epithelial cells and the formation of tube cast were found in 96.2 and 84.1 percent of renal tubules, respectively. 此外;96.;2%25的肾小管上皮细胞变性坏死;84
- Thyroidization of kidney reminiscent of thyroid follicles with accumulation of inspissated colloid-like material in renal tubules is a hallmark of chronic pyelonephritis. 肾脏的甲状腺化,即在肾小管中积聚浓缩的胶样物质,形似甲状腺滤泡,这是慢性肾盂肾炎的一个特征。
- On histopathology,the cytonecrosis of glomerular capillary loop and renal tubules,protein casts in renal tubules in treatment group were also better than the control group. 病理组织学检查,对照组出现明显的肾小球毛细血管丛细胞坏死,肾小管明显扩张坏死,管腔大量蛋白管型,治疗组上述改变较轻。
- In these studies, GSH-depleted research animals had significant damage to the renal tubules (7), which is the main source of GSH-Px activity in the plasma (8). (研究7)对动物的实验发现谷胱甘肽的耗竭会严重损坏肾小管,(研究8)指出肾小管是血浆里谷胱甘肽过氧化酶活力的主要来源。
- Method The area of renal tubules and Bowman s space by image analysis,ROS was tested by the flow cytometry and the activi-ties of CAT enzymes was measured at th e same time. 采用图象分析仪对肾组织进行体视学定量分析,应用流式细胞术检测肾细胞活性氧含量,通过生化技术检测红细胞抗氧化酶活性改变。
- Conclusion Excess fluoride contents that silted up in kidneys is a factor that directly caused the damages of renal tubules in cortex and medulla of kidneys. 结论滞留在肾脏的过量氟是引起肾脏皮质与髓质肾小管损害的直接因素。
- The formation of urinary tract stone was manifested in 3 forms: grossly visible stone, small white flakes (tiny stone) and crystal deposits within the renal tubules. 诱发产生之尿路结石有三种形式:肉眼可见之结石,细小如雪花状之结石,沈积于贤小管内草酸钙结晶。
- This is an ascending bacterial infection leading to acute pyelonephritis. Numerous PMN's are seen filling renal tubules across the center and right of this picture. 上行性感染导致的急性肾盂肾炎。图中部和右侧的肾小管中充满大量中性粒细胞。
- In the pathological sections of model group,focal segmental glomerular sclerosis,dropsy in renal tubular epithelial cells,protein cast in some renal tubules and tubulointerstitial fibrosis could be seen. 病理形态学观察:模型组肾小球呈局灶性节段性硬化,肾小管上皮细胞水肿,部分小管腔内可见蛋白管型,肾间质纤维化;
- The function of renal tubule has important influence on bone metabolism. 肾小管功能对骨代谢有重要影响。
- Fanconi syndrome is a type of renal tubule disease found in Basenjis. 范可尼综合征是一种发现于贝吉生犬的肾小管疾病。